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Basic Analysis > Oneway Analysis
Publication date: 09/20/2024

Oneway Analysis

Examine Relationships between a Continuous Y and a Categorical X Variable

Use the Oneway platform to explore how the distribution of a continuous Y variable differs across groups defined by a categorical X variable. You can evaluate differences in means or variances across groups. Methods include analysis of variance (ANOVA), analysis of means (ANOM), t tests, equivalence tests, nonparametric tests, exact tests, F tests, and multiple comparisons of means tests. Probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) plots enable you to visualize the distribution of your response by the X categories. For example, you might want to find out how different categories of the same type of drug (X) affect patient pain levels on a numerical scale (Y).

The Oneway platform is the continuous by nominal or ordinal personality of the Fit Y by X platform.

Figure 6.1 Oneway Analysis 

Oneway Analysis


Overview of Oneway Platform

Example of Oneway Analysis

Launch the Oneway Platform

Data Format

Oneway Report

The Oneway Platform Options

Oneway Analysis Reports

Quantiles Report
Means/Anova/Pooled t Report
Means and Std Deviations Report
t Test Report
Analysis of Means Reports
Means Comparisons Reports
Nonparametric Test Reports
Nonparametric Multiple Comparisons Reports
Unequal Variances Reports
Equivalence Test Reports
Robust Fit Reports
Power Reports
Matching Column Report

Oneway Plot Elements

Mean Diamonds and X-Axis Proportional
Mean Lines, Error Bars, and Standard Deviation Lines
Comparison Circles

Additional Examples of the Oneway Platform

Example of Analysis of Means
Example of Analysis of Means for Variances
Example of the Each Pair, Student’s t Test
Example of the All Pairs, Tukey HSD Test
Example of the With Best, Hsu MCB Test
Example of the With Control, Dunnett’s Test
Example of the Each Pair Stepwise, Newman-Keuls Test
Example Contrasting Four Compare Means Tests
Example of the Nonparametric Wilcoxon Test
Example of the Unequal Variances Option
Example of an Equivalence Test
Example of the Robust Fit Option
Example of the Power Option
Example of a Normal Quantile Plot
Example of a CDF Plot
Example of the Densities Options
Example of the Matching Column Option
Example of Stacking Data for a Oneway Analysis

Statistical Details for the Oneway Platform

Statistical Details for Comparison Circles
Statistical Details for Power
Statistical Details for ANOM
Statistical Details for the Summary of Fit Report
Statistical Details for Tests That the Variances Are Equal
Statistical Details for Nonparametric Test Statistics
Statistical Details for the Robust Fit
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