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Quality and Process Methods > Manage Limits > Manage Limits Options
Publication date: 09/20/2024

Manage Limits Options

The Manage Limits red triangle menu contains the following options:

Show Limits All

Selects all of the boxes under Show Limits in the Spec Limits table. If Show Limits is selected for a column, the Show as Graph Reference Lines option is selected in the Spec Limits column property. The Show as Graph Reference Lines option displays the specification limits and target that you specify as reference lines in select analysis plots.

Note: If all boxes under Show Limits are selected, the Show Limits All option deselects all of the boxes under Show Limits.

Round Decimals

Sets the number of decimal places to round the limits or metadata values to.

Color Out of Spec Values

Colors any values in the data table that are outside the specification limits for the columns. Values that are below the lower specification limit are colored red and values that are above the upper specification limit are colored blue.

See “Redo Menus in JMP Reports”, “Group Platform”, and “Save Script Menus in JMP Reports” in Using JMP for more information about the following options:


Contains options that enable you to repeat or relaunch the analysis. In platforms that support the feature, the Automatic Recalc option immediately reflects the changes that you make to the data table in the corresponding report window.

Platform Preferences

Contains options that enable you to view the current platform preferences or update the platform preferences to match the settings in the current JMP report.

Save Script

Contains options that enable you to save a script that reproduces the report to several destinations.

Note: Additional options for this platform are available through scripting. Open the Scripting Index under the Help menu. In the Scripting Index, you can also find examples for scripting the options that are described in this section.

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