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Publication date: 09/20/2024

Power Reports

In the Oneway platform, the Power option calculates statistical power and other details about a given hypothesis test. See Example of the Power Option. For statistical details, see Statistical Details for Power.

LSV (the Least Significant Value) is the value of some parameter or function of parameters that would produce a certain p-value alpha. Said another way, you want to know how small an effect would be declared significant at some p-value alpha. The LSV provides a measuring stick for significance on the scale of the parameter, rather than on a probability scale. It shows how sensitive the design and data are.

LSN (the Least Significant Number) is the total number of observations that would produce a specified p-value alpha given that the data has the same form. The LSN is defined as the number of observations needed to reduce the variance of the estimates enough to achieve a significant result with the given values of alpha, sigma, and delta (the significance level, the standard deviation of the error, and the effect size). If you need more data to achieve significance, the LSN helps tell you how many more. The LSN is the total number of observations that yields approximately 50% power.

Power is the probability of getting significance (p-value < alpha) when a real difference exists between groups. It is a function of the sample size, the effect size, the standard deviation of the error, and the significance level. The power tells you how likely your experiment is to detect a difference (effect size), at a given alpha level.

Note: When there are only two groups in a one-way layout, the LSV computed by the power facility is the same as the least significant difference (LSD) shown in the multiple-comparison tables.

Power Details

The Power Details window and tables in the Oneway platform are the same as those in the Fit Model platform. For more information about power calculation, see “Power Calculations” in Fitting Linear Models.

For each of four columns Alpha, Sigma, Delta, and Number, fill in a single value, two values, or the start, stop, and increment for a sequence of values (Figure 6.29). Power calculations are performed on all possible combinations of the values that you specify.

Alpha (α)

Significance level, between 0 and 1 (usually 0.05, 0.01, or 0.10). Initially, a value of 0.05 shows.

Sigma (σ)

Standard error of the residual error in the model. Initially, RMSE, the estimate from the square root of the mean square error is supplied here.

Delta (δ)

Raw effect size. For more information about effect size computations, see “Effect Size” in Fitting Linear Models. The first position is initially set to the square root of the sums of squares for the hypothesis divided by n (that is, Equation shown here).

Number (n)

Total sample size across all groups. Initially, the actual sample size is put in the first position.

Solve for Power

Solves for the power (the probability of a significant result) as a function of all four values: α, σ, δ, and n.

Solve for Least Significant Number

Solves for the number of observations needed to achieve approximately 50% power given α, σ, and δ.

Solve for Least Significant Value

Solves for the value of the parameter or linear test that produces a p-value of α. This is a function of α, σ, n, and the standard error of the estimate. This feature is available only when the X variable has exactly two levels and is usually used for individual parameters.

Adjusted Power and Confidence Interval

When you look at power retrospectively, you use estimates of the standard error and the test parameters.

Adjusted power is the power calculated from a more unbiased estimate of the noncentrality parameter.

The confidence interval for the adjusted power is based on the confidence interval for the noncentrality estimate.

Adjusted power and confidence limits are computed only for the original Delta, because that is where the random variation is.

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