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Quality and Process Methods > Process Screening > Process Screening Platform Options
Publication date: 09/20/2024

Process Screening Platform Options

The Process Screening red triangle menu contains options to customize the display and to save calculated statistics. The options that operate on selected items are also accessible by right-clicking the Column column in the summary table.


Shows or hides the summary table. See The Process Screening Report.

Find and Select

Opens a window that enables you to enter search strings for columns that you entered as Process Variables or Grouping in the launch window. A panel appears for each column. The corresponding processes are selected in the summary table.

Select Where

Opens the Select Where window. You can select specific processes in the summary table that correspond to a particular condition by using the Comparison menu and Value text box. For example, you can select all processes such that Ppk < 1.33. After you click OK, the processes are selected in the summary table.

Tip: You can also access the Select Where window by right-clicking anywhere in the summary table.

Filter Where

Opens the Filter Where window. This option enables you to filter and remove the processes shown in the summary table. Select a column and use the Comparison menu and Value text box to define a filter. After you click OK, only the processes that meet the specified condition are shown in the summary table.

Tip: You can also access the Filter Where window by right-clicking anywhere in the summary table.

Reset Filter

(Available only after a filter is applied to the summary table using the Filter Where option.) Removes any filter that is currently applied to the summary table.

Show Summary Columns

Enables you to choose some of the summary columns that are shown in the summary table.

Show Charts as Selected

Plots small graphs of the processes that are selected in the summary table in a Charts as Selected report. This report automatically updates as you select and deselect processes in the summary table. These charts have the same information and options as the charts in the Charts for Selected report. See Show Charts for Selected.

Show Charts for Selected

Plots small graphs of the processes that are selected in the summary table in a Charts for Selected report. The report makes it possible to view and compare many processes at once. By default, each chart has red lines for the control limits. The Chart for Selected red triangle menu contains additional options to change the appearance of the graphs. See Chart Settings. To remove the graphs, click the Charts for Selected red triangle and select Remove.

Chart Settings

Opens a window that enables you to specify chart settings for the charts in Charts as Selected, Charts for Selected, Graphlet Charts, and Drift Charts. You can specify the following settings separately for each type of chart:

Dispersion Chart

(Not available for Drift Charts.) Shows or hides a range, standard deviation, or moving range chart in addition to the control chart for each process.

Show Markers

Shows or hides the individual points on the charts.

Connect Points

Connects the points on the charts.

Show Control Limits

Shows or hides the upper and lower control limits.

Show Centerline

Shows or hides a solid green line for the average of the process.

Show Zones

(Not available for Drift Charts.) Shows or hides the one and two standard deviation zones on the charts.

Circle Alarm Points

(Not available for Drift Charts.) Shows or hides red circles around points that are in an alarm state. The corresponding alarm code is shown next to each circled point.

Vertical Axis Label

Shows or hides the vertical axis label on each chart.

Show Spec Limits

Shows or hides the upper and lower specification limits as dotted blue lines.

Number of Plots Across

Specifies the layout for the charts.

Frame Size

Enables you to specify a frame size that is used for all of the charts.

Launch for Selected

Enables you to launch either Control Chart Builder or Process Capability for the items selected in the summary table.

Control Chart Builder

Opens a Control Chart Builder report window for the processes that you selected in the summary table. The control chart corresponds to your selections in the Process Screening launch window.


If a process variable has a Spec Limits column property, the specifications limits defined in the column property override any specification limits that were defined using a limits table.

Only the tests selected in Process Screening are sent to Control Chart Builder. Tests that have been turned off are not sent.

If you have multiple subgroup variables where the inner subgroup variable is not sorted within the outer subgroup variable, a new subgroup variable column is created and used when Control Charts for Selected Items is launched. This does not apply if Sort by Subgroup is selected in the Process Screening launch window.

Process Capability

Opens a Process Capability report window that shows Individual Detail Reports for the processes that you select in the summary table. If you select a process for which specification limits are not specified, a Spec Limits window appears. In this window, you can specify specification limits by selecting a data table or entering values directly.

The Process Capability analysis assumes normal distributions and uses within sigma values that correspond to your Control Chart Type selection in the Process Screening launch window:

Moving range for Indiv and MR

Average of ranges for XBar and R

Average of unbiased standard deviations for XBar and S


If you specify sigma using a sigma control limit or the Derived Sigma option in the Limits Specifications window, this value is not used in Process Capability. This is because the Process Screening and Process Capability platforms use these control limits differently.

If you have multiple subgroup variables where the inner subgroup variable is not sorted within the outer subgroup variable, a new subgroup variable column is created and used when Process Capability for Selected Items is launched. This does not apply if Sort by Subgroup is selected in the Process Screening launch window.

Color Selected Items

Applies a color of your choosing to the values in the selected rows of the summary table.

Remove Selected Items

Removes the rows that are selected in the summary table and reruns the analysis without those processes.

Show Tests

Shows or hides test results for Nelson tests that are selected under the Choose Tests option in the Process Screening report’s summary table.

Choose Tests

Enables you to choose the tests that you want to include in the calculation of Alarm Rate and Any Alarm.

Tip: To select multiple tests, press Alt and click the Process Screening red triangle to open a menu of all platform options.

Shift Detection

Provides options for detecting shifts after outlier removal. See Shift Magnitudes and Positions.

Largest Upshift

Shows or hides columns for Largest Upshift and Upshift Position in the summary table. The largest upward shift in the series that exceeds one within-sigma unit is identified. See Shift Magnitudes and Positions.

Largest Downshift

Shows or hides columns for Largest Downshift and Downshift Position in the summary table. The largest downward shift in the series that exceeds one within-sigma unit is identified. See Shift Magnitudes and Positions.

Shift Graph

(Available only when some processes have shifts that exceed the Shift Threshold.) Shows or hides a plot of the time occurrence of all process shifts that exceed the number of within-sigma units specified by the Shift Threshold (three by default). You can also change the Shift Threshold by using the slider bar on the Shift Graph. Hover over the diamond to see the value. Green markers indicate upshifts and red markers indicate downshifts. The markers are located at the local peaks of the shifts.

To identify the processes that correspond to one or more shift occurrences, select the points and click Select Process. The corresponding processes are selected in the summary table. Processes that have no shifts exceeding the Shift Threshold number of within-sigma units are not plotted.

Note: The Shift Graph does not show the positions of Largest Upshift and Largest Downshift values that appear in the summary table if the shifts are less than the specified Shift Threshold number of within-sigma units in magnitude. See Additional Example of Process Screening.

Show Shifts in Quick Graphs

(Available only when a Quick Graph has been added to the report window.) Shows or hides the location of the shifts in the quick graphs using green and red vertical lines.

Drift Summaries

Shows or hides drift summary columns in the summary table. These columns contain the mean up drift, mean down drift, and mean absolute drift. See Drift Magnitudes and Positions.

Drift Graph Selected

Shows a drift graph for each process that you select in the summary Table. Drift graphs enable you to detect smaller, more gradual changes in the selected processes. The values plotted are the slope estimates from a Holt Double-Exponential Smoothing model. See Drift Magnitudes and Positions. Each drift graph displays the within-sigma value and the estimates for the two smoothing parameters in the Holt Double-Exponential Smoothing model. The Drift Graphs red triangle menu contains additional options to change the appearance of the graphs. See Chart Settings. To remove the graphs, click the Drift Graphs red triangle and select Remove.

Save Shift Table

Creates a new data table that contains the saved shift gap data. This option requires a shift of 5*sigma or greater and that the Make Detailed Shift Data option is specified in the launch window.

Process Performance Graph

(Available only when specification limits are defined for at least one process variable.) Shows or hides a four-quadrant graph that assesses the performance of processes in terms of stability and capability. See Process Performance Graph.

Process Performance Graph Boundaries

(Available only once the Process Performance Graph is in the report window.) Opens a window where you can set values for the Process Performance Graph’s stability index and Ppk capability boundaries.

Tip: You can set preferences for your desired boundaries for Stability Index and Ppk Capability in File > Preferences > Platforms > Process Screening.

Goal Plot

(Available only when specification limits are defined for at least one process variable.) Shows or hides a plot that contains a point for each variable. The Goal Plot shows, for each variable, the spec-normalized mean shift on the X axis, and the spec-normalized standard deviation on the Y axis. If you define importance values for the processes, the goal plot points are sized by importance. It is useful for getting a quick, summary view of how the variables are conforming to specification limits. See “Goal Plot” for more information about goal plots and their features.

Tip: Hover over a point in the Goal Plot to view a graphlet of the control chart for that process. Click the Quick Graph to add it to the report window. To change the settings of the graphlets, see Chart Settings.

The Goal Plot red triangle menu contains the following options:

Show Within Sigma Points

Shows or hides the points calculated using the within sigma estimate.

Show Within or Between-and-Within Sigma Points

(Available only when three way control chart is selected in the launch window.) Shows or hides the points calculated using the between-and-within sigma estimate.

Show Overall Sigma Points

Shows or hides the points calculated using the overall sigma estimate.

Shade Levels

Shows or hides the Ppk level shading. This is turned on by default. The shaded areas depend on the relationship between p and Ppk, with p representing the value shown in the box beneath Ppk. By default, p = 1.33.

Points in the red area have Ppk < p.

Points in the yellow area have p < Ppk < 2p.

Points in the green area have 2p < Ppk.

Label Within Sigma Points

Shows or hides labels for points calculated using the within sigma estimate.

Label Within or Between-and-Within Sigma Points

(Available only when a three way control chart is selected in the launch window.) Shows or hides labels for points calculated using the between-and-within sigma estimate.

Label Overall Sigma Points

Shows or hides labels for points calculated using the overall sigma estimate.

Defect Rate Contour

Shows or hides a contour representing a specified defect rate.

Process Potential Graph

(Available only when both a measurement sigma and specification limits are defined for at least one process variable.) Shows or hides the Process Potential Graph, which plots Cp on the vertical axis and % Measurement Sigma2 on the horizontal axis. See Process Potential Graph.

Show Capability

(Available only when specification limits are defined for at least one process variable.) Displays a submenu that enables you to show or hide the Capabilities in the summary table.

Note: Spec Centered Mean and Spec Scaled Std Dev are displayed in the summary table as (Mean-Tgt)/SpecRange and StdDev/SpecRange. The Spec Limits option displays the LSL, USL, and Target columns in the summary table.

The following option is also available in the submenu:

Color Out of Spec Values

Colors the values in the data table based on the specification limits. Blue indicates that the value is below the lower specification limit. Red indicates that the value is above the upper specification limit.

Tip: To remove colors in specific cells, select all cells of interest. Right-click in one of the cells and select Clear Color.

Save Summary Table

Creates a new data table that contains all of the process summary information for all variables and groups. The data table also contains specification limit details, if these are specified for at least one process. As in the summary table, the columns for Stability Index, Ppk, Cpk, Cp, and Target Index are colored as green, yellow, and red to indicate adequate, marginal, and poor stability or capability, respectively.

Save Summary Table with Graphs

Creates a new data table called the Process Summary data table with an additional column titled Graph. The Graph column contains a quick graph for each process in the summary table.

Save Details Table

Creates a new data table that contains detailed information about control chart calculations. For each combination of process and grouping variables, the table contains a row for each subgroup showing:

The value of the subgroup variable

The values of the subgroup sample statistics.

The control limits.

The subgroup size.

A list of indicators for which, if any, alarms were triggered. Alarms for the Nelson tests are indicated with the numbers for the tests. An alarm for the Range Limit Exceeded test is indicated with an R.

The Drift

Save Selected Details

Creates a new data table that contains the test alarm information for the selected rows in the summary table.

Publish to Web

Relaunch Selected Processes

Relaunches the Process Screening platform to create a new report that contains only the selected processes from the original report.

See “Local Data Filters in JMP Reports”, “Redo Menus in JMP Reports”, “Group Platform”, and “Save Script Menus in JMP Reports” in Using JMP for more information about the following options:

Local Data Filter

Shows or hides the local data filter that enables you to filter the data used in a specific report.


Contains options that enable you to repeat or relaunch the analysis. In platforms that support the feature, the Automatic Recalc option immediately reflects the changes that you make to the data table in the corresponding report window.

Platform Preferences

Contains options that enable you to view the current platform preferences or update the platform preferences to match the settings in the current JMP report.

Save Script

Contains options that enable you to save a script that reproduces the report to several destinations.

Save By-Group Script

Contains options that enable you to save a script that reproduces the platform report for all levels of a By variable to several destinations. Available only when a By variable is specified in the launch window.

Note: Additional options for this platform are available through scripting. Open the Scripting Index under the Help menu. In the Scripting Index, you can also find examples for scripting the options that are described in this section.

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