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Using JMP > Set JMP Column Properties > Column Properties in JMP > Properties That Attach Information to Column Values
Publication date: 09/20/2024

Properties That Attach Information to Column Values

The following column properties attach information that is used in reports and plots to the values in a column:

Value Labels

Value Scores

Value Order

Row Order Levels

Value Colors

Color Gradient

Short Name


SPSS Label

SAS Name

SAS Label

Long Name

Value Labels

Use value labels to show a label in the data table instead of a value. A label appears for each instance of the value. You can show the original values by double-clicking a label within a cell.

Enter the value that you want to assign a label to in the Value box.

Enter the label that you want to appear in the Label box.

To use ranges, click Allow Ranges then specify the lower and upper values. If Allow Ranges is selected, Value Labels can be non-integers. Graph Builder can use the Value Labels for the x- and y-axes.

Tip: To assign a label to missing values, enter a period (.) for the lower bound and leave the upper bound empty. To assign a label to all other values, enter three periods (...) for the lower bound and leave the upper bound empty.

Add, change, or remove labels.


To turn off value labels in the data table without deleting the value labels that you have set up, in the Column Properties window, deselect Use Value Labels. Or, to quickly show or hide value labels in a data table, right-click a column and check or uncheck Use Value Labels.

When your data table contains value labels, using the Search commands searches for actual values, but does not search for labels.

When your data table contains value labels, the Row Editor displays the label, and when the cell is highlighted for editing, it shows the actual value.

If you copy and paste a cell with a value label, the actual value is pasted.

In a formula, when you reference a column using value labels, hover over the value label to see the actual data value.

Value Scores

Use value scores to indicate a value-score pair for categorical data columns. The value is a data value and the score is a number. This property associates a data value with a score (for example, the column’s data value could be “not satisfied”, “satisfied”, “very satisfied”). The user could assign a score of 0 to “not satisfied”, 50 to “satisfied”, and 100 to “very satisfied”. Those scores are then used for computation purposes like computing the mean. See “Example of Mean Score with Comparison Letters” in Consumer Research for an example.

To use value scores

1. In the data table, right-click the column and select Column Info.

2. From the Column Properties list, select Value Scores.

3. Enter the value that you want to assign a label to in the Value box (for example, “satisfied”).

4. Enter the label that you want to appear in the Score box (for example, “50”).

5. Click Add, Change, or Remove.

6. Click OK.

Value Order

Value Order assigns an ordering to values in a column that is then used in reports and plots. The default ordering for reports and plots is alphanumeric data value ordering, except in the following cases, where values are automatically ordered appropriately:

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Very Low, Low, Medium Low, Medium, Medium High, High, Very High

Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Indifferent, Agree, Strongly Agree

Failing, Unacceptable, Very Poor, Poor, Bad, Acceptable, Average, Good, Better, Very Good, Excellent, Best

Tip: You can anonymize Value Order so that the Value Order properties are renumbered. To do this, highlight the column with the Value Order column property and select Tables > Anonymize.

When you construct a design using a DOE platform, the Value Order column property is automatically assigned to categorical factors. For examples of assigning and editing the Value Order column property, see “Value Order” in the Design of Experiments Guide.

Note: When you’re comparing character data, select Use Locale Comparisons for Characters to consider locale information when determining the ordering.

Custom Order

By default, Custom Order is selected. This option allows you to order data values in a user-defined order. Initially, character data is ordered alphabetically and numeric data is sorted numerically. You can use the arrows to move the values and the plus sign to add values.

Sorted Order

Deselect Custom Order to move the values to the Sorted Order box. Then you indicate the rules for sorted items.

Items that are not custom ordered are affected by the sorted order. Drag items down to the Sorted Order area to remove them from the custom order and have the sorting rules applied to those items. Deselect Custom Order to apply sorting rules to all items.

The sort order rules are applied when you select or deselect the check boxes.

Row Order Levels

Sorts the column values by their occurrence in the data table, rather than sorting by value. This option does not apply to sorting data table columns.

Note: If both Row Order Levels and Common Order are selected, the row order levels apply.

Common Order

If all values have a predefined sort order (for example, the days of the week), remaining items are sorted on that basis. Common order is the typical ASCII ordering. This option is available only for character data.

Numerical Order

Sorts character column values by splitting the data into string and numeric segments.

Here are the numerical order rules:

Strings are broken into segments of numeric (not including +/-, but including dots in the middle) and non-numeric characters.

Segments are compared between two strings, comparing numbers by magnitude as long as the numbers don’t start with leading zeros.

Numbers with leading zeroes are sorted before any numbers without leading zeros.

If both numbers have leading zeroes, then the numbers are compared digit-by-digit. For example, “0CH2” is sorted before “0 CH2”.

If two strings differ by segment type, a numeric segment sorts before a string segment.

The locale compare affects symbols; characters such as hyphens and lowercase or uppercase are ignored in locale sorting. (Note that lowercase is sorted before uppercase in ASCII ordering. The rules are different for each language. The goal is to sort the same way that the operating system sorts file names.

To use ASCII ordering, deselect Numerical Ordering in the Value Order column property.

The string segments are compared using locale compare by default. This comparison is language-aware. The comparison is provided by the operating system, so there are subtle differences between behavior on Windows and Apple macOS.

Value Colors

Use value colors to assign the values of a nominal or ordinal column a certain color or range of color themes. The column’s values appear with the assigned color in all applicable graphs, such as mosaic plots and plots with color-coded legends. You can also color the values in the data table column.

To change the color of a specific value, right-click a color circle and select a color.

To use a color theme, click Color Theme below the list of value colors and then select the color.

To create a custom color theme, see Create a Custom Color Theme.

To also color the cells in the data table, select Color Cell by Value.

Select from the options in the Macros menu. See Macros Options.

Create a Custom Color Theme

To create a custom color theme

1. Click Color Theme below the list of value colors in the column properties.

2. Open the Custom Color Theme outline.

3. Click New.

4. Create the color using the sliders.

5. Name the color and click Save.

6. Click OK.

You can access the new custom color in the Color Theme menu the next time you use the Value Colors property. The color is also saved in your preferences. See “Create Color Themes in Graphs” for more information about creating color themes.

Macros Options

The Macros menu contains the following options:

Gradient between ends

Sets the colors of the top and bottom values. JMP applies a color gradient across the entire range of values. Use this command to make all of the colors in between for the other levels.

Gradient between selected points

Sets the colors of the top and bottom values so that JMP can apply a color gradient to a range of values that you have highlighted in the Value Colors list.

Reverse colors

Reverses the color of the values from top to bottom or bottom to top.

Revert to old colors

Sets the colors back to their original color values.

Color Gradient

Select a color gradient to color a continuous column in a plot. Color gradients are supported in the Graph Builder, Bubble Plot, Treemap, and Cell Plot platforms.

To also color the cells in the data table, select Color Cell by Value above the list of value colors.

Select a color gradient from the menu.

Enter the minimum, maximum, and center values:

Minimum values reflect the color at the left of the gradient.

Maximum values reflect the color at the right of the gradient.

Center values reflect the color in the middle of the gradient.

Note: To see color gradients in Graph Builder, you must assign the column to the Color zone. To see color gradients in Bubble Plot and Treemap, you must assign the column to the Coloring role.

Short Name, SPSS Name, and SAS Name

These column properties insert the specified short name in a Categorical structured report when the Show Columns Used in Report red triangle option is selected.

SAS Name is also a column property that is added when you import SAS data. It contains the name of the variable in the SAS data set. Modifying it will affect the SAS data set if the data are exported back to SAS.

SPSS Label, Long Name, and SAS Label

These column properties insert the specified long name in a Categorical structured report when the Show Columns Used in Report red triangle option is selected.

SAS Label is also a column property for imported SAS data. It contains the description of the column in the SAS data set. Modifying it will affect the SAS data set if the data are exported back to SAS.

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