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Basic Analysis > Distributions > Options for Continuous Variables > Save Options for Continuous Variables
Publication date: 09/20/2024

Save Options for Continuous Variables

Use the Save menu options in the Distribution platform to save information about continuous variables. Each Save option generates a new column in the current data table. The new column is named by appending the variable name (denoted <colname> in the following definitions) to the Save command name (Table 3.1).

Select the Save options repeatedly to save the same information multiple times under different circumstances, such as before and after combining histogram bars. If you use a Save option multiple times, the column name is numbered (name1, name2, and so on) to ensure unique column names.

Table 3.1 Descriptions of Save Options


Column Added to Data Table


Level Numbers

Level <colname>

The level number of each observation corresponds to the histogram bar that contains the observation. The histogram bars are numbered from low to high, beginning with 1.

Note: To maintain source information, value labels are added to the new column, but they are turned off by default.

Level Midpoints

Midpoint <colname>

The midpoint value for each observation is computed by adding half the level width to the lower level bound.

Note: To maintain source information, value labels are added to the new column, but they are turned off by default.


Ranked <colname>

Provides a ranking for each of the corresponding column’s values starting at 1. Duplicate response values are assigned consecutive ranks in order of their occurrence in the data table.

Ranks averaged

RankAvgd <colname>

If a value is unique, then the averaged rank is the same as the rank. If a value occurs k times, the average rank is computed as the sum of the value’s ranks divided by k.

Prob Scores

Prob <colname>

For N nonmissing scores, the probability score of a value is computed as the averaged rank of that value divided by N + 1. This column is similar to the empirical cumulative distribution function.

Normal Quantiles

N-Quantile <colname>

Saves the Normal quantiles. See Statistical Details for the Normal Quantile Plot.


Std <colname>

Saves standardized values. See Statistical Details for Saving Standardized Data.


Centered <colname>

Saves values for centering on zero.

Robust Standardized

Robust Std <colname>

Saves a column that contains the response value centered around the robust mean and standardized using the robust standard deviation.

Robust Centered

Robust Centered <colname>

Saves a column that contains the response value centered around the robust mean.

Script to Log


Prints the script to the log window. Run the script to re-create the analysis.

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