DRAFT help

Publication date: 09/20/2024

Table Box Messages

Table Box<<Bootstrap(nsample, Random Seed(number), Fractional Weights(Boolean), Split Selected Column(Boolean), Discard Stacked Table if Split Works(Boolean)


Bootstraps the analysis, repeating it many times with different resampling weights and collecting tables as selected.

See Also

Number Col Box Messages

Table Box<<Get

Gets the entries of the table in list form.

Table Box<<Get As Matrix(<"Visible">)

Gets the numeric entries of the table in matrix form. "Visible" means that only visible columns will be included.

Table Box<<Get Click Sort

Returns 1 if the table can be sorted by clicking a column header and 0 otherwise.

Table Box<<Get Locked Columns

Returns the number of columns that cannot be dragged with the cursor or have any columns dropped before them.

Table Box<<Get Row Change Function

Returns the expression that is evaluated when a row is selected.

Table Box<<Get Selectable Rows

Returns True if the table box currently allows row selection.

Table Box<<Get Selected Row Color

Returns the index number of the background color of the selected rows in the table box.

Table Box<<Make Combined Data Table

Returns a reference to the data table. Same as Make Data Table, but also searches the report for report tables with the same columns and combines all of these into the new data table.

Table Box<<Make Data Table(name)

Returns a reference to the data table. Turns the table entries into a new data table with the quoted name argument.

Table Box<<Reorder Columns(from column index, to column index)

Puts the column specified with from column index in the place of the column specified with to column index. The indexes are 0-based. For example, indicate the first column with “0”, and indicate the second column with “1”.

Table Box<<Set Cell Changed Function(Function({this, col box, row},<script>))


Sets a function that is called whenever the user edits a cell in a column in a table.


This example prints the new values for the changed cell to the log.

New Window( "Mountains",
	tb = Table Box(
		quoted string Col Edit Box(
			{"K2", "Delphi", "Kilimanjaro",
			"Grand Teton"}
		Number Col Edit Box(
			"Elevation (meters)",
			{8611, 681, 5895, 4199}
		Plot Col Box( "", {8611, 681, 5895, 4199} )
tb <<
Set Cell Changed Function(
	Function( {this, col, row},
			(col << Get Heading) || ": row:" ||
			Char( 3 ) || " is now " ||
			Char( col << Get( row ) )

Table Box<<Set Click Sort(Boolean)

Specifies if the table can be sorted by clicking a column header.

Table Box<<Set Column Borders(Boolean)

Draws a line on each side of the column.

Table Box<<Set Heading Column Borders(Boolean)

Draws a line on each side of the column headings.

Table Box<<Set Locked Columns(n)

Locks the first n columns. You cannot drag the locked columns or drag columns before them.

Table Box<<Set Row Borders(Boolean)

Draws a line above and below each row.

Table Box<<Set Row Change Function(function)

Sets the expression that is evaluated when a row is selected.

Table Box<<Set Selectable Rows(Boolean)

Makes the rows of the table box selectable or not.

Table Box<<Set Selected Row Color(color)

If the rows of the table box are selectable (Set Selectable Rows(True)), sets the background color (specified in the quoted color argument) for the selected rows.

Table Box<<Set Shade Cells(Boolean)

Shades the background of every cell in the table.

Table Box<<Set Shade Alternate Rows(Boolean)

Shades the background of every other row in the table.

Table Box<<Set Shade Heading(Boolean)

Shades the background in column headings.

Table Box<<Set Underline Headings(Boolean)

Draws a line underneath the column headings.

Table Box<<Sort By Column(<column number|column title>, <Ascending(Boolean)>

Sorts all rows based on the values in the specific column number or quoted column title. The default order sorting is descending.

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