DRAFT help

Publication date: 09/20/2024

Utility Functions

Add(a, b, ...)



Adds the values of the listed arguments. No arguments are changed.


The sum.


For Add(), a comma-separated list of variables, numbers, or matrices.

For a+b, any number of variables, numbers, or matrices.


Any number of arguments is permitted. If no argument is specified, Add() returns 0.

Add() returns missing if any arguments are missing. To ignore missing values, use Sum().

See Also

“List Operators and Functions” in the Scripting Guide

See Sum(var1, var2, ...)



Produces an alert sound.



BLOB MD5(blob)


Converts the blob argument into a 16-byte blob.


The 16-byte blob is the MD5 checksum, or the hash, of the source blob.

BLOB Peek(blob, offset, length)


Creates a new blob from a subrange of bytes of the blob argument.


A blob object.



a binary large object.


An integer that specifies how many bytes into the blob to begin construction. The first byte is at offset 0, the second byte at offset 1.


An integer that specifies how many bytes to copy into the new blob, starting at the offset.

Build Information()


Returns the build date and time, whether it’s a release or debug build, and the product name in a quoted comma-delimited string.

Caption({h, v}, "text", <Delayed(seconds)>, <Font(font)>, <Font Size(size)>, <Text Color("color")>, <Back Color("color")>, <Spoken(Boolean)>)


Displays a caption window at the location described by {h, v} that displays text. The caption can be delayed before being displayed by seconds, or can be spoken. You can also specify the font type, size, and color and background color.




{h, v}

a list with two values. h is the horizontal displacement from the top left corner of the monitor in pixels. v is the vertical displacement from the top left corner in pixels.


A quoted string or a reference to a string that is to be displayed in the caption.


seconds is optional delay before displaying the caption. Setting this option causes this caption and all subsequent captions to be delayed by the specified number of seconds.


Specify the font type.

Font Size(size)

Specify the font size.

Text Color("color")

Specify the color of text.

Back Color("color")

Specify the background color.


Causes text to be spoken as well as displayed. The current setting (on or off) remains in effect until switched by another Caption statement that includes a Spoken setting.

Column Dialog(<var = ColList("label", <Min Col(n)>, <Max Col(n)>, <Width(n)>, <Data Type("Numeric"|"Character"|"Any")>, <Modeling Type({"Continuous", "Nominal", "Ordinal", "None", "Multiple Response", "Unstructured Text", "Vector"})> )>, <var = Combo Box("text")>, <var = RadioButtons("label")>, <HList(display box)>, <VList(display box )>, <LineUp(n, display box)>, <Text Box("label")>, <var = EditText(string)>, <var = EditNumber(n)>, <var = Check Box("label", boolean), <Window Title("title")>, <Window Icon("icon string"|"path")>, <Dialog Description(string)>, <Help Script(script)>)


Launches a customizable dialog used to prompt for column selections from the current data table or contextual data table.


ColList("label", arguments)

Returns a column list field used to select data table columns. ColList() parameters are defined by the following arguments: Min Col(), Max Col(), Width(), Data Type(), and Modeling Type().

Min Col(n)

Specifies the minimum number of data columns that can be chosen in the column list.

Max Col(n)

Specifies the maximum number of data columns that can be chosen in the column list.


Sets the width of the column list in pixels.

Data Type(string)

Specifies which JMP data type the dialog allows in the column list out of the following options: "Numeric", "Character", or "Any".

Modeling Type({string})

Specifies the modeling type of the columns that are allowed to be selected in the column list out of the following options: "Continuous", "Nominal", "Ordinal", "None", "Multiple Response", "Unstructured Text", "Vector". Multiple modeling types are allowed.

HList(display box)

Returns the provided display box arguments arranged horizontally.

VList(display box)

Returns the display box arguments arranged vertically.

LineUp(n, display box)

Returns the display box arguments arranged into n columns.

Check Box("label", boolean)

Returns a check box field. The boolean argument defines whether the box is checked when the dialog is created.

Combo Box("text1", "text2", ...)

Returns a combo box field for selecting from multiple options provided by text arguments.

RadioButtons("label1", "label2", ...)

Returns a radio button field with labels defined by the provided label arguments.

Text Box("label")

Returns a text box for entering user-provided text.


Specifies the watermark text of the Text Box object.


Specifies the watermark number of the Text Box object.

Window Title("title")

Specifies the title of the dialog window.

Window Icon("icon string"|"path")

Specifies the icon displayed window’s title bar. The string can be the name of a JMP icon or the path to an icon. Most common graphic formats are supported, such as GIF, JPG, PNG, BMP, TIF.

Dialog Description(string)

Displays the provided string beneath the dialog window’s title bar.

Help Script(script)

Displays a Help button which performs the provided script when clicked.


Names Default To Here( 1 );
Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Consumer Preferences.jmp" );
Column Dialog(
	ex y = ColList( "Y",
		Min Col( 1 ),
		Max Col( 2 ),
		Data Type( "Numeric" )
	ex x = ColList( "X",
		Max Col( 1 ),
		Modeling Type( {"Continuous", "Multiple Response"} )
	Line Up( 2,
		Text Box( "Alpha" ), ex = EditNumber( .05 ),
		Text Box( "Beta" ), ey = EditText( "xyz" )
	HList( cb = Check Box( "check", 1 ) ),
	HList( combo = Combo Box( "option1", "option2" ) ),
	HList( rb = RadioButtons( "a", "b" ) ),
	Window Title( "Custom Launch Dialog" ),
	Window Icon( "RowState" ), //icon string can be a full path file name of an image file.
	Dialog Description(
		"The dialog before a groundbreaking discovery!"
	Help Script( Web( "http://www.jmp.com/" ) )


See Open Datafeed().

Debug Break()

When the JSL Debugger is open, this function stops a JSL script from executing at that point in the script. This function is useful for tracking in the debugger under user-specified conditions. If the JSL Debugger is not running, this function does not execute.

Decode64 BLOB(string)


Decodes a printable quoted string of base 64 text into a blob.


A blob.



A quoted base-64 encoded string.


Decode64 BLOB( "dGhlIHF1aWNrIGJyb3duIGZveA==" );

Char To BLOB( "the quick brown fox", "ascii~hex" )

Decode64 Double(string)


Creates a floating point number from a quoted base-64 encoded string.


A floating point number.



A quoted base-64 encoded string.

Disable JMP Live URL(url)


Specifies the URLs that users cannot publish to. This preference must be added to jmpStartAdmin.jsl.

See “Run a Script at Start Up” in the Scripting Guide for details about the location of jmpStartAdmin.jsl.

If a URL appears in both the Disable JMP Server() and Enable JMP Server() lists, publishing to the URL is disabled.


Disable JMP Live URL( "https://public.jmp.com" )

Divide(a, b)




Divides a by b. If only one argument is given (divide(x)), divides 1 by x.


The quotient of a/b; or the reciprocal of x (1/x) if only one argument is provided.


a, b, x

Can be a variable, number, or matrix.


If both arguments are matrices, it does matrix division.

See Also

“List Operators and Functions” in the Scripting Guide



Used in the formula editor for making empty boxes.





Enable JMP Live URL(url)


Specifies the URLs that users can publish to. This preference must be added to jmpStartAdmin.jsl.

See “Run a Script at Start Up” in the Scripting Guide for details about the location of jmpStartAdmin.jsl.

If a URL appears in both the Enable JMP Server() and Disable JMP Server() lists, publishing to the URL is disabled.


Enable JMP Live URL( "https://public.jmp.com" )

Encode64 BLOB(x)


Encodes a blob into a printable quoted string of base 64 text.


A quoted base-64 encoded string.


Encode64 BLOB( Char To BLOB( "the quick brown fox" ) );


Encode64 Double(n)


Creates a quoted base-64 encoded string from a floating point number.


A quoted base-64 encoded string.



A floating point number.

Faure Quasi Random Sequence(nDim, nRow)


Generates a sequence of spacefilling quasi random numbers using the Faure sequence.

Get Addin("id")


Retrieves a registered add-in by id.


A scriptable object for the add-in. Returns empty if no add-in with the specified ID was found.



The ID of an installed add-in.

Get Addins()


A list of all registered add-ins.

Get Addr Info("address", <port>)


Converts a name to its numeric address.


A list of quoted strings. The first element is the command (Get Addr Info). The second is the results (for example, “ok” if the command was successful). The third is a list of strings of information. Included in that information is the address that corresponds to the name that was supplied.



A quoted string that specifies the name (for example, "www.jmp.com").


The port of the address.

Get Clipboard()


Returns text from the computer’s clipboard. If the content is not text, the result is null.


dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
dt << Copy Table Script( "Distribution" );
s = Get Clipboard();
nw = New Window( "Script", Script Box( s ) );

Get Name Info("address", <port>)


Converts a numeric address to its name.


A list of quoted strings. The first element is the command (GetNameInfo). The second is the results (for example, “ok” if the command was successful). The third is a list of strings of information. Included in that information is the port name that corresponds to the address that was supplied.



A quoted string that specifies the numeric address (for example, "").


The port of the address.

Get Platform Preferences(<platform <(option, ...)> ... >)

Get Platform Preference(<platform <(option, ...)> ... >)


Returns the preferences for the specified platforms.


A list of platform preferences.



(Optional) Specifies the platform name. If not specified, all platform preferences are returned. You can specify one or more preferences for a platform.


(Optional) Specifies the preference value. If not specified, all platform preference values are returned.


Table 2.3 describes the syntax for getting platform preferences.

Table 2.3 Get Platform Preferences() Syntax



Get Platform Preferences( )

Returns the current option values for all platform preferences.

Get Platform Preferences( Platform )

Returns the current option values for the specified platform preferences.

Get Platform Preferences( Platform( Option ) )

Returns the current option values for the specified platform.

Get Platform Preferences( <<Changed )

Returns the current option values that have changed for all platforms.

Get Platform Preferences( Platform( <<Changed ) )

Returns the current option values that have changed for all platform preferences.

Get Platform Preferences( Platform( Option (

<<Changed ) ) )

Returns the current option values that have changed for the specified platform.


Suppose that the user modified several platform preferences through the JMP Platforms window or a script.

Platform Preferences(
	Distribution( Set Bin Width( 2 ), Horizontal Layout( 1 ) ),
	Model Dialog( Keep Dialog Open( 1 ) ),
	Graph Builder( Legend Position( "Bottom" ) )

To return all of the modified platform preferences, use Get Platform Preferences( <<Changed ):

Get Platform Preferences( <<Changed );

Platform Preferences(

Distribution( Horizontal Layout( 1 ), Set Bin Width( 2, <<On ) ),

Graph Builder( Legend Position( "Bottom", <<On ) ),

Model Dialog( Keep dialog open( 1 ) )


Get Preferences(<preference_name>)

Get Preference(<preference_name>)


Returns the settings for the specified preferences.


A list of preference settings.



(Optional) If no preference is specified, all preferences are returned. Otherwise, the settings for the specified preference are returned.


The preferences for the following areas are not accessible in JSL: Text Data Files, Windows Specific, Mac OS Settings, Fonts, Communications, Script Editor, and JMP Updates. For more information about getting platform preferences, see Get Platform Preferences(<platform <(option, ...)> ... >).

Glue(expr1, expr2, ...)

expr1; expr2


Evaluates each argument in turn.


The result of the last argument evaluated.


One or more valid JSL expressions.


A semicolon placed between expressions is the more commonly used form for Glue().

Gzip Compress(blob)


Compresses a blog of data into a gzip blob.


Gzip Compress(
	Char To BLOB(
		"random data does not usually compress well and may get larger"

Char To BLOB(



Gzip Uncompress(blob)


Uncompresses a blob of gzip data into a blob.


Gzip Uncompress( /*typically this data might come from Gzip Compress() but might also come from a .gz file using Load Text File() with the blob option*/
	Char To BLOB(

Char To BLOB(

"random data does not usually compress well and may get larger",



Host Is("Mac"|"Windows")


Determines whether the host environment is the specified OS. Only one argument can be tested at a time.


True (1) if the current host environment matches the argument, false (0) otherwise.


"Windows" Returns true if the host environment is Windows.

"Mac" Returns true if the host environment is Mac.

Is Alt Key()


Returns 1 if the Alt key is being pressed, or 0 otherwise.


On Apple macOS, Is Alt Key() tests for the Option key.

Is Command Key()


Returns 1 if the Command key is being pressed, or 0 otherwise.

Is Context Key()


Returns 1 if the Context key is being pressed, or 0 otherwise.

Is Control Key()


Returns 1 if the Control key is being pressed, or 0 otherwise.


On Apple macOS, Is Control Key() tests for the Command key.

Is Option Key()


Returns 1 if the Option key is being pressed, or 0 otherwise.

Is Shift Key()


Returns 1 if the Shift key is being pressed, or 0 otherwise.

JMP Product Name()


Returns either "Standard", "Pro", or "Student", depending on which version of JMP is licensed.

JMP Version()


Returns the version number of JMP that you are running.





Load DLL("path" <,AutoDeclare(Boolean | Quiet | Verbose)>)

Load DLL("path" <, Quiet | Verbose>)


Loads the DLL in the specified path.



A pathname that specifies where to load the DLL.

AutoDeclare(Boolean | Quiet | Verbose)

Optional argument. AutoDeclare(1) and AutoDeclare(Verbose) write verbose messages to the log. AutoDeclare(Quiet) turns off log window messages. If you omit this option, verbose messages are written to the log.

Quiet | Verbose

Optional argument. When you use Declare Function(), this option turns off log window messaging (Quiet) or turns on log window messaging (Verbose).

See Also

Once a DLL is loaded, you send the DLL object messages to interact with it. See “Dynamic Link Library (DLL) Messages” for more information about these messages.

“Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs)” in the Scripting Guide

Mail("address"|"addresses", "subject", "message", <"attachment filepath" | {"attachment 1 filepath", "attachment 2 filepath", ...}>)


(Windows) Sends e-mail (using MAPI) to the address with the specified subject and message texts. Sends one or more attachments specified by the optional attachment argument. The attachment argument can evaluate to a quoted string or list of strings.

(Apple macOS) Creates an e-mail in the user’s Mail application. The user must click Send in the e-mail. In Microsoft Outlook, you must manually add attachments to the e-mail.


To send an email with multiple attachments on Windows:

	"New data and script",
	"Today’s updated data table and script are attached.",
	{"$DOCUMENTS/wd.jsl", "$DOCUMENTS/survey.jmp"}


list = {"$DOCUMENTS/wd.jsl", "$DOCUMENTS/survey.jmp"};
	"New data and script",
	"Today’s updated data table and script are attached.",

To send an email to multiple recipients:

	{"hername@company.com", "hisname@company.com"},
	"Database updates",
	"Today’s sales database contains the numbers from last month."


On Apple macOS, Mail() works on Yosemite and later operating systems.

Main Menu(string, <string>)


Execute the command found on JMP’s menu named by the quoted string.



The internal path name as shown in the menu editor for items. For example, “NEW” is the internal name for the New subcommand in the File menu.


(Optional) The name of the window to send the command to.


Main Menu() accepts either a full path or a partial path. If a partial name is used, and there are other menu items with the same name, the first menu item found is executed. JMP searches the top-level menu (File, Tables, DOE, and so on) first for the partial name and then searches inside each of those menus in order.

Main Menu( "File:New:Data Table" ); // full path
Main Menu( "Data Table" ); // partial path




Reverses the sign of a.


-a if a is positive (a=3; -a=-3; Minus(a)=-3).

a if a is negative (a=-3; -a=3; Minus(a)=3).

0 if a is 0 (a=0; -a=0; Minus(a)=0).

Missing if a is missing.



Can be variable or a number. A variable must contain a number or a matrix.

Multiple File Import(arguments)


Imports one or more files into a data table. You can create this JSL by selecting Save Script to Script Window from the Multiple File Import window.


Creates a Multiple File Import Object. The object accepts messages to set a folder, filter files, and specify import options.


<<Create Window

(Optional) Opens a window with the current settings.

<<Set Folder

Specifies the folder that contains the files you want to import.

<<Set Name Filter

(Optional) Specifies the file name or extension of the files. The name filter uses * to represent zero-or-more characters and ? to represent exactly one character. * and ? also match a period. The default setting is *.*, or all files. Because you can specify files using a semicolon-delimited list of filters, file names that include semicolons or | must be specified using ? or *.

<<Set Name Enable(Boolean)

Enables the name filter. The setting is off by default.

<<Set Show Hidden(Boolean)

Includes files normally hidden by Windows. The setting is off by default.

<<Set Size Filter

(Optional) Filters the file list by file size. Specify the sizes by kB (kilobytes, or 1000 bytes) in a list. The default values are based on the size range of the files in the file list.

<<Set Size Enable(Boolean)

(Optional) Enables the size filter. The default setting is off.

<<Set Date Filter

(Optional) Filters the file list by date and time. Specify the date and time in a list in seconds. The default values are based on the date and time range of the files in the file list.

<<Set Date Enable(Boolean)

(Optional) Enables the date filter. The default setting is off.

<<Set Add File Name Column(Boolean)

(Optional) Includes a column that contains the imported file name. The default setting is off.

<<Set Add File Size Column(Boolean)

(Optional) Includes a column that contains the size of the imported file. The default setting is off.

<<Set Add File Date Column(Boolean)

(Optional) Includes a column that contains the time and date stamp of the imported file. The default setting is off.

<<Set Import Mode(Row Per File|Row Per Line|CSV Data)

(Optional) Specifies the format of the file that is imported: whole file on one row, one line on one row, and CSV. CSV Data is the default setting.

<<Set Charset(Best Guess|utf-8|utf-16|us~ascii|windows-1252|x-mac-roman|x-mac-japanese|shift-jis|euc-jp|utf-16be|gb2312)

(Optional) The character set in the imported file. The character set specified in the General preferences (Open Text File Charset) is set by default.

<<Set Stack Mode(Stack Similar|TablePerFile)

(Optional) Specifies how the files are combined. Stack Similar is the default setting. (When JMP detects that the files have the same columns, the files are concatenated into a single data table.)

<<Set Subfolders(Boolean)

(Optional) Includes files in subfolders. The setting is off by default.

<<Set CSV Has Headers(Boolean)

(Optional) Specifies whether the CSV file contains a header row. The setting is on by default.

<<Set CSV Allow Numeric(Boolean)

(Optional) Sets the data type to numeric. The setting is on by default.

<<Set CSV First Header Line(n)

(Optional) Specifies the header row number. 1 is the default setting.

<<Set CSV Number of Header Lines(n)

(Optional) Specifies the number of header rows. 1 is the default setting.

<<Set CSV First Data Line(n)

(Optional) Specifies the first line that contains data. 2 is the default setting.

<<Set CSV EOF Comma(Boolean)

(Optional) Specifies a comma delimiter. The setting is on by default.

<<Set CSV EOF Tab(Boolean)

(Optional) Specifies a tab delimiter.

<<Set CSV EOF Space(Boolean)

(Optional) Specifies a space delimiter.

<<Set CSV EOF Spaces(Boolean)

(Optional) Specifies spaces as the delimiter.

<<Set CSV EOF Other("")

(Optional) Specifies a custom delimiter.

<<Set CSV EOF CRLF(Boolean)

(Optional) Specifies carriage return and line feed end-of-line characters. The setting is on by default.

<<Set CSV EOF CR(Boolean)

(Optional) Specifies a carriage return end-of-line character. The setting is on by default.

<<Set CSV EOF LF(Boolean)

(Optional) Specifies a line feed end-of-line character.

<<Set CSV Semicolon(Boolean)

(Optional) Specifies a semicolon end-of-line character. The setting is off by default.

<<Set CSV EOL Other("")

(Optional) Specifies a custom end-of-line character.

<<Set CSV Quote("")

(Optional) Specifies the character used as a quote. The default setting is \!", a double quotation mark.

<<Set CSV Escape("")

(Optional) Specifies the escape sequence such as a backlash instead of doubling the quotation mark.

<<Set Excel Add Sheet Name Column(Boolean)

(Optional) Includes a column that contains the name of the spreadsheet the imported data came from.

<<Set Excel Best Guess(Boolean)

(Optional) Makes a best guess for column names from the data in each spreadsheet. If this is set, no other Excel parameters are used except <<Set Excel Add Sheet Name Column.

<<Set Excel Column Headers As Hierarchies(Boolean)

(Optional) Reorganizes information in spanned cells in the headers and places that data in the rows of the generated table.

<<Set Excel Column Name Separator("")

(Optional) Specifies the string to be used as a column name separator when concatenating multiple cells into column header names.

<<Set Excel First Data Column(n)

(Optional) Specifies the number of the first non-empty column in the spreadsheet that will be imported.

<<Set Excel First Data Line(n)

(Optional) Specifies the number of the first non-empty row in the spreadsheet that will be imported.

<<Set Excel First Header Line(n)

(Optional) Specifies the number of the first non-empty row in the spreadsheet that will be used to define column headers.

<<Set Excel Has Headers(Boolean)

(Optional) Defines column headers according to the values provided to <<Set Excel Header Line and <<Set Excel Number of Header Lines. The setting is off by default.

<<Set Excel Import Color Cells(Boolean)

Imports cell background color. The setting is off by default.

<<Set Excel Limit Column Type Detection(Boolean)

When detecting a column’s data type, only checks some of the column’s rows. This speeds up detection, but can pick the wrong data type in cases where the data type differs between the values at the bottom of the column and the top.

<<Set Excel Multiple Series Stack(Boolean)

Stacks columns when <<Set Excel Column Headers As Hierarchies is also enabled. The setting is off by default.

<<Set Excel Number of Header Lines(n)

Specifies the number of rows in the spreadsheet to be imported as column headers.

<<Set Excel Suppress Empty Columns(Boolean)

(Optional) Prevents empty columns from being imported.

<<Set Excel Suppress Hidden Columns(Boolean)

(Optional) Prevents hidden columns from being imported.

<<Set Excel Suppress Hidden Rows(Boolean)

(Optional) Prevents hidden rows from being imported.

<<Set Excel Worksheet Filter("")

(Optional) Specifies the worksheets to be imported. The worksheet filter uses * to represent zero-or-more characters and ? to represent exactly one character. * and ? also match a period. The default setting is *, or all worksheets. Because you can specify worksheets using a semicolon-delimited list of filters, worksheets that include semicolons or | must be specified using ? or *.

<<Set JSON Guess("Tall"|"Wide"|"Huge"|"Pandas")

Specifies the method used to guess data values from JSON files.

<<Set JSON Method("Guess"|"JSON Settings")

Specifies whether to use a built-in guess or custom JSL to import JSON values.

<<Set JSON Settings

Specifies the custom JSL used to import JSON data.

<<Set PDF Method("Guess"|"PDF Settings")

Specifies whether to use a built-in guess or custom JSL to import PDF values.

<<Set PDF Settings

Specifies the custom JSL used to import PDF data.

<<Set XML Guess("Tall"|"Wide"|"Huge")

Specifies the method used to guess data values from XML files.

<<Set XML Method("Guess"|"XML Settings")

Specifies whether to use a built-in guess or custom JSL to import XML files.

<<Set XML Settings

Specifies the custom JSL used to import XML data.

<<Set Import Callback("")

(Optional) Specifies a custom callback function that executes as the final step in the import process. The Multiple File Import() function passes the callback function the Multiple File Import object and a list of data tables that were opened.

<<Import Data

Imports the data.


mfi = Multiple File Import(
	<<Set Folder( "$SAMPLE_IMPORT_DATA" ),
	<<Set Name Filter( "UN*.csv" ), // Import files with this name
	<<Set Name Enable( 1 ) // Enable the filter for file names
<<Import Data();

Multiply(a, b, ...)



Multiplies all values. No arguments are changed.


The product.


Any number of variables, numbers, or matrices.


Any number of arguments is permitted. If no argument is specified, Multiply() returns 1.

See Also

“List Operators and Functions” in the Scripting Guide



A name is something to call an item.

If the name begins with an alphabetic character or underscore, and continues with alphanumeric characters, whitespace, Unicode mathematical symbols and certain punctuation (apostrophes, percentage signs, periods, backslashes, and underscores, then you can use the name directly in scripts.

You can use names that do not follow these rules with the Name() keyword.


( "name"n ) is preferred. Name( string ) is deprecated.

"my-var-name"n = "hello";
Length( "my-var-name"n )


See Also

“JSL Rules for Names” in the Scripting Guide

New OAuth2 Token(account(string), client ID(string), client secret(string), refresh token(string), token URL(string))


Creates an OAuth2 token for securely accessing data across different web APIs.

Arguments (Required)


The user name, email, or personal identifier for the account being accessed.

client ID

The public identifier that acts as an API key.

client secret

The private identifier that corresponds to Client ID.

refresh token

A token used to get access tokens.

token URL

The URL that access tokens are received from. Unique to every service and accessible through their API or OAuth page.

Arguments (Authorization Code Grant)

redirect URL( "https://app.getpostman.com/oauth2/callback" )

The URL that an access code is sent back to. Unless your company or the service provides one, we recommended that you create a free Postman account and use this redirect.

client secret( "1aB893cdDeFf2D" )

The private identifier that corresponds to Client ID.

request auth( ... )

Extra parameters indicating that you’ll use an Authorization Code flow. Requires Auth URL(). Some services require scope. You can add custom fields with Fields.

scope( "spreadsheets email docs" )

A space-separated list of scopes. Unique to every service, and accessible through their API or OAuth page. Only usable in Request Auth().

auth URL( "https://www.example.com/oauth2/v1/authorize" )

The URL for requesting authorization. Unique to every service, and accessible through their API or OAuth page. Only usable in Request Auth().

Arguments (Implicit Grant)

redirect URL( "https://app.getpostman.com/oauth2/callback" )

The URL that an access code is sent back to. Unless your company or the service provides one, it’s recommended to create a free Postman account and use this redirect.

Arguments (Resource Owner)

password( "wordpass123" )

The password that corresponds to the username.

client secret( "1aB893cdDeFf2D" )

The private identifier that corresponds to Client ID.

Arguments (Custom Data)

fields( fields )

Custom fields that are equivalent to HTTP Request’s Form( fields( fields ) ). Can be specified both in New OAuth2 Token() and in Request Auth(). Only necessary if the service requires information that is not defined in the OAuth 2.0 standard.

headers( headers )

Custom headers that are equivalent to HTTP Request’s Headers( headers ). Can only be specified in New OAuth2 Token(). Only necessary if the service requires information not defined in the OAuth 2.0 standard.


token = New OAuth 2 Token (
	User( "yourgoogleaccount@gmail.com" ),
	Refresh Token( "1a2b3c4e5F" ),
	Token URL( "https://www.example.com/oauth2/token" ),
	Client ID( "12ab" ),
	Client Secret( "3456dEfG" )

See Also

“OAuth 2.0 for Web APIs”

See your API documentation for more information about how to get values such as the client secret and token URL.

Open Datafeed()



Creates a Datafeed object and window.


A reference to the Datafeed object.


No arguments are required. You usually set up the basic operation of the data feed within the Open Datafeed() command, however.

Open Help("Help"|"Scripting Index", ...)


Opens the specified help window.

Parse XML(string, On Element("tagname", Start Tag(expr), End Tag(expr), Text))


Parses an XML expression using the On Element expressions for the specified XML tags.


XMLData = "
<Book name='Foods'>All you want to know
       <Chapter num='1'>Fruit
             <ps>I love dessert!</ps>
       <Chapter num='2'>Bread
             <ps>I love sandwiches!</ps>
       <Chapter num='3'>Veggy
             <ps>I love anything else!</ps>
and more.
</Book> ";
// variables are initialized so text can be concatenated
title = "";
subtitle = "";
chap = "";
chapnum = "";
ps = "";
Parse XML( XMLData,
      On Element( "Book",
// capture the name attribute during the start of the Book
            Start Tag( title = XML Attr( "name" ) ),
/* this book has split the subtitle and needs to join the text;
the joined text will be used by endTag.
Text(...) supplies the JSL.*/
            Text( subtitle = subtitle || " -- " || Trim( XML Text() ) ),
/* after endTag processes the variables, set them back
to their initial state, just in case there is a second book
to process in the same XML. */
            endTag( Write( "\!n", title, " ", subtitle ); title = ""; subtitle = ""; )
      On Element( "Chapter",
// capture the chapter number during the start of the Chapter
            Start Tag( chapnum = XML Attr( "num" ) ),
/* the chapter text is joined together, newlines
and extra space is trimmed, and a single space is used to
separate the separated texts. The <kind> tag is ignored by
this ParseXML specification. The <kind> text is processed
by this Text(...) because it wasn't consumed by any other
On Element. */
            Text( chap = chap || Trim( XML Text() ) || " " ),
/* after endTag processes the variables, set them back to
their initial state, because there is another chapter
that needs to start with a clean slate.*/
            endTag( Write( "\!n", chapnum, " ", chap, " ps: ", ps ); chapnum = ""; chap = ""; ps = ""; )
      On Element( "ps", End Tag( ps = XML Text() ) )

1 Fruit Apple Cherry ps: I love dessert!

2 Bread Wheat Corn ps: I love sandwiches!

3 Veggy Squash Cabbage ps: I love anything else!

Foods -- All you want to know -- and more.

Platform Preferences(platform(option(value)), ...)

Platform Preference(platform(option(value)), ...)

Set Platform Preferences(platform(option(value)), ...)

Set Platform Preference(platform(option(value)), ...)


Sets and resets values for platform options and turns the options on and off.



Specifies the platform of the preference.


Specifies the preference name.


Specifies the preference value.


Table 2.4 describes the syntax for setting platform preferences.

Table 2.4 Platform Preferences() Syntax



Platform Preferences( <<Default )

Platform Preferences( <<Factory Default )

Platform Preferences( Default )

Resets all platform preferences to their default values.

Platform Preferences( Platform( <<Default ) )

Platform Preferences( Platform( <<Factory Default ) )

Platform Preferences( Platform( Default ) )

Resets the specified platform preferences to their default values.

Platform Preferences( Platform( option ( <<Default ) ) )

Platform Preferences( Platform( option ( <<Factory Default ) ) )

Resets the specified platform option to its default value.

Platform Preferences( Platform( option( value, <<On ) ) )

Sets the value of the specified platform option and turns it on.

Platform Preferences( Platform( option( value, <<Off ) ) )

Sets the value of the specified platform option and turns it off.


The following expression selects (or turns on) Set Bin Width in the Distribution platform preferences and sets the value to 2:

Platform Preferences( Distribution( Set Bin Width( 2 ) ) );

The following expression changes the Set Bin Width value and turns the option off:

Platform Preferences( Distribution( Set Bin Width( 2, <<Off ) ) );

The following expression resets the default Set Bin Width value and deselects the preference:

Platform Preferences( Distribution( Set Bin Width( <<Default ) ) );

Polytope Uniform Random(samples, A, b, L, U, neq, nle, nge, <nwarm=200>, <nstride=25>)


Generates random uniform points over a convex polytope.



The number of random points to be generated.


The constraint coefficient matrix.


The right hand side values of constraints.

L, U

The lower and upper bounds for the variables.


The number of equality constraints.


The number of less than or equal inequalities.


The number of greater than or equal inequalities.


(Optional) The number of warm-up repetitions before points are written to the output matrix.


(Optional) The number of repetitions between each point that is written to the output matrix.


The constraints must be listed as equalities first, less than or equal inequalities next, and greater than or equal inequalities last.

Preferences(pref1(value1), ...)

Preference(pref1(value1), ...)

Pref(pref1(value1), ...)

Prefs(pref1(value1), ...)

Set Preferences(pref1(value1), ...)

Set Preference(pref1(value1), ...)


Sets preferences for JMP.


Add Files Opened by Scripts to the Recent Files List(Boolean)

Determines whether a file that is opened by a script is added to the Home Window’s Recent Files list.

Analysis Destination(window)

Specifies where to route new analyses.

Annotation Font("font", size, "style")

Font choice for annotations in reports.

Axis Font("font", size, "style")

Font choice for axis labels.

Axis Title Font("font", size, "style")

Font choice for axis titles.

Background Color( {R, G, B} | <color> )

Sets the background color for windows.

Calculator Boxing(Boolean)

Turns on boxing to show hierarchy of expressions.

Conditional Formatting Rules

Creates rules for conditionally formatting text in reports. See Examples.

Data Table Font("font", size, "style")

Font choice for data tables.

Data Table Title on Output(Boolean)

Titles reports with name of data table.

Date Title on Output(Boolean)

Titles reports with current date.

Evaluate OnOpen Scripts("always"|"never"|"prompt")

Determines whether an On Open table script is run after the user opens the data table. By default, the user is prompted. Their choice is remembered each time they open the data table in the current JMP session. Scripts that execute other programs are never run.

Excel Has Labels(Boolean)

When on, forces JMP to interpret the first row of data as column headings.

Excel Selection(Boolean)

When on, the user is prompted for which non-blank Excel worksheets should be imported from an Excel workbook.

File Location Settings(<Directory Type>("<path>"<,"initial directory">))

Valid directory types are:

Data Files Directory Sets the default location for data files.

Help Files Directory Sets the default location for help files.

Installation Directory By default, this location is set to the JMP installation folder on Windows:

"C:\Program Files\JMP\JMP\19" or "C:\Program Files\JMP\JMPPro\19"

License File Path Sets the default location for JMP license file.

Preferences File Directory Sets the default location for the preferences settings file.

Save As Directory Sets the default location for Save As file operations.

Foreground Color(color)

Sets the foreground color for windows.

Formula Font("font", size, "style")

Font choice for the formula editor.

Graph Background Color(color)

Sets the color for the background area inside the graph frame.

Graph Marker Size(size)

Default size for drawing markers.

Heading Font("font", size, "style")

Font choice for table column headings in reports.

Initial JMP Starter Window(Boolean)

Specifies whether the JMP Starter window is shown at launch.

Initial Splash Window(Boolean)

Enables you to show or suppress the initial splash screen.

Maximum JMP Call Depth(size)

Sets the default for the maximum call depth (or stack size) for JMP in which JSL built-in functions, user-defined functions, or Recurse() function calls can be made. By default, the maximum call depth is set to 256KB.

Each thread that JMP creates has a 2MB stack by default. Increasing the maximum call depth can cause a physical runtime stack overflow, so incrementally increase this preference in small amounts until you find the best value that works for your JSL script.

Marker Font("font", size, "style")

Font choice for markers used in plots.

Monospaced Font("font", size, "style")

Font choice for monospaced text.

ODBC Suppress Internal Quoting(Boolean)

Prevents internal quoting in SQL statements that contain table and variable names with mixed case and spaces.

Outline Connecting Lines(Boolean)

Draws lines between titles for same-level outline nodes.

Print Settings(option(value), ... )

Changes print options on the Page Setup window:

Margins( <n>, <n>, <n>, <n>) sets the left, top, right, and bottom margins. Margins are in inches.

Margins(<n>) sets all margins to the same value in inches.

Orientation("portrait" | "landscape") changes the page’s print orientation.

Headers(<"char">, <"char">, <"char">) specifies text that appears in the left, middle, and right header.

Headers(<"char">) specifies the only text in the header.

Footers(<"char">, <"char">, <"char">) specifies text that appears in the left, middle, and right footer.

Footers(<"char">) specifies the only text in the footer.

Scale(<n>) decreases or increases the percentage at which the content prints.

Show Explanations(Boolean)

Some analyses have optional text that explains the output.

Show Menu Tips(Boolean)

Turns menu tips on or off.

Show Status Bar(Boolean)

Turns display of the status bar on or off.

Small Font("font", size, "style")

Font choice for small text.

Text Font("font", size, "style")

Font choice for general text in reports.

Thin Postscript Lines(Boolean)

Apple macOS only. Specifies that line widths drawn to a Postscript printer be narrower than otherwise.

Title Font("font", size, "style")

Font choice for titles. Arguments are name of font (for example, "Times"), size in points, and style ("bold", "plain", "underline", "italic").

Use Triple-S Labels as Headings(Boolean)

When on, this argument forces JMP to interpret label names as column headings. Example: Pref(Name("Use Triple-S Labels as Headings")(0) ); turns off the preference.


The following expressions reset all preferences to their default values.

Preferences( "Default" );
Preferences( "Factory Default" );

The following script creates conditions for formatting text in reports.

    Conditional Formatting Rules(
				RuleName( "Warning" ),
				// if the value is not equal to 0, format the text as 80% gray
				NotEqualTo( Value( 0 ), Format( TextAlpha( 0.8 ) ) )


The preferences for the following areas are not accessible in JSL: Text Data Files, Windows Specific, Mac OS Settings, Fonts, Communications, Script Editor, and JMP Updates.

See Also

Platform Preferences(platform(option(value)), ...)

Register Addin("unique_id", "home_folder", <named_arguments>)


Register a JMP Add-In and load the add-in if it registers successfully.


If successful, returns a scriptable object representing the registered add-in. If unsuccessful, returns Empty.



A quoted string that contains the unique identifier for the add-in. The string can contain up to 64 characters. The string must begin with a letter and contain only letters, numbers, periods, and underscores. Reverse-DNS names are recommended to increase the likelihood of uniqueness.


A quoted string that contains the filepath for the folder containing the add-in files. The filepath must conform to the valid pathname requirement for the host operating system.

DisplayName( "name" )

An optional, quoted string that contains a name that can be displayed in the JMP user interface wherever add-in names are displayed, instead of the unique ID.


An optional string that contains a specific version of JMP. The default value is "All", which enables the add-in to be loaded and run in any version of JMP that supports add-ins. "Current" restricts the use of the add-in to only the current version. Any quoted version number (for example, "7" or "9") restricts the add-in to a single specific version of JMP.


An optional Boolean. The default value is True (1), which causes the add-in to be loaded when JMP is started. If the value is False (0), the add-in is not loaded automatically.


Loads the add-in immediately.


If a file named addin.def is found in the specified home folder, values from that file are used for any optional arguments that are not included in the Register Addin() function.


In the following example, the first argument is the unique identifier. The second argument identifies where the add-in is installed. The third argument is the name that appears where add-in names are displayed (for example, the View > Add-Ins menu on Windows).

Register Addin("com.company.lee.dan.MyAddIn","$DOCUMENTS/myaddin", displayname( "Calculator Addin" ));

The second argument becomes the $ADDIN_HOME path variable definition. When you refer to the add-in scripts, be sure to include a trailing slash after the path variable.


Revert Menu()


Resets your JMP menus to factory defaults.

Run Program(Executable("path/filename.exe"), Options({"/a", "/b", "..."}), Read Function(expression), Write Function(expression), Parameter(expression))


Runs the external program specified by the Executable argument, with the command line arguments specified by the Options argument.


Returns either a quoted string, a blob, or a Run Program object as controlled by the Read Function argument.



The path to the executable. On Apple macOS, type the full path to the executable.


Command line arguments for the executable.

Read Function

If Read Function( "text" ) is specified, a quoted string is returned. If Read Function( "blob" ) is specified, a blob is returned. The script waits until the external program closes its stdout. Run Program then returns all data that the external program has written to its stdout as a quoted string or a blob.

If Read Function is not specified, a Run Program object is returned.

Write Function

Optional argument that accepts a function as its value; it does not accept "text" or "blob".


Optional argument to read and write the expression in Read Function.


Use global variables when Run Program() is inside a function.

The Run Program object, which is returned if Read Function is not specified, accepts the following messages to read data from the external program’s stdout:

<<Read: reads any available data as a quoted string. If no data is available, an empty string is returned.

<<Can Read: returns true if there is data available to be read.

<<Is ReadEOF: returns true when the external program has completed and all its data has been read.

You can use these messages to poll for data and process the data as it is produced by the external program.

A Run Program object accepts the following messages to write data to the external program’s stdin:

<<Write( "text" ): sends data to the external program’s stdin.

<<Can Write: returns true if the external program will accept data immediately; otherwise, calling <<Write causes your script to block.

<<WriteEOF: signals to the external program that you are done sending data to it.

Instead of sending messages to the returned Run Program object, you can specify the Read Function argument as an inline function. RP is the Run Program object.

RP = Run Program(
	Executable( ... ),
	Read Function(
		Function( {RP},
         <your code here>
			RP << Read

The Parameter(optParm) argument is optional in Read Function. If specified, the functions defined for Read Function and Write Function can receive a second argument, which is the value of optParm.


The following script is an example of the Write Function argument. RP is the Run Program object. In this context, it accepts the <<Write and <<WriteEOF messages.

RP = Run Program(
	Executable( ... ),
	Write Function(
		Function( {RP},
			<your code here>
			RP << Write( "Program finished." )

The following script shows an example of Parameter(optParm) argument:

RP = Run Program(
	Executable( ... ),
	Parameter( x ),
	Read Function( Function( {RP, optParm},... ) )

Within the Read Function, optParm contains the value of x. Do not attempt to access the optParm argument in your function if you have not specified a Parameter argument.

SAS Open For Var Names("path")


Opens a SAS data set only to obtain the names of its variables, returning those names as a list of quoted strings.


A list of variable names in the file.



A quoted string that is a pathname of a SAS data set.

Schedule(n, script)


Queues an event to run the script after n seconds.

Set Clipboard(string)


Evaluates the quoted string argument looking for a character result, and then places the string on the clipboard.


Set Clipboard( "copy me" );

Set Platform Preference()

Set Platform Preferences()

See Platform Preferences(platform(option(value)), ...).

Set Preference()

Set Preferences()

See Preferences(pref1(value1), ...).

Set Toolbar Visibility( "toolbar name" | default | all, window type | all, "true" | "false" )


On Windows, shows or hides a toolbar based on the window type or for all windows.


toolbar name | default | all

The internal name of the toolbar (see the View > Toolbars list in JMP), the default toolbar for the specified window type, or all toolbars. Include quotes around "toolbar name".

window type | all

Data table, script, report, journal, or all windows.

true | false

A quoted string that shows or hides the toolbar.

Shortest Edit Script( A, B )

Shortest Edit Script( strings( A, B, <matrix( 0|1 )>, <limit( number )> ) )

Shortest Edit Script( lines( A, B, <matrix( 0|1 )>, <limit( number )>, <separators( characters )>, <ignore( characters )|ignore white space( )> ) )

Shortest Edit Script( sequences( nA, nB, Function( {iA, iB}, adata[iA] == bdata[ib] ) ) )


Compares two quoted strings, lines, or sequences.


Returns a list or a matrix of edit commands. The simplest form returns a list. quoted strings and lines return a matrix (if set to 1) or a list. sequences returns a matrix.

There are three possible commands: common data in both quoted strings, delete data from the first string, and keep data from the second string.

Optional Arguments


Indicates whether the returned value is a matrix.


Stops the evaluation when the edit list exceeds the specified number of inserted or deleted items. Two quoted random strings have a lot of common characters in a lot of distinct sections. The function runs for a long time trying to find a best match. limit stops the function sooner.

Optional Lines Arguments


Indicates whether the returned value is a matrix.


Stops the evaluation when the edit list exceeds the specified number of inserted or deleted items. Two quoted random strings have a lot of common characters in a lot of distinct sections. The function runs for a long time trying to find a best match. limit stops the function sooner.


A character that separates words.


Ignores the specified spaces or characters in a line.

ignore white space

Ignores white space in a line.

Optional Sequences Argument


A user-defined function.


The following example compares two quoted strings with three common sequences of characters between them.

Shortest Edit Script( "abcdef", "abdezgh" );

{{"Common", "ab"}, {"Remove", "c"}, {"Common", "de"}, {"Insert", "zgh"}, {"Remove", "f"}}

The following example examines each line in quoted string aa and bb:

aa = "this is
a test of
edit script
lines with several words";
bb = "this is
a test 2 of
edit ?., script
lineswithseveral words";
Shortest Edit Script( lines( aa, bb, separators( "\!n" ),
	// quote and newline separators
	ignore( "?., " ) ) ); // ignore these characters and spaces

{{"Common", "this is // lines in aa and bb contain "this is"

"}, {"Remove", "a test of // only on line 2 of aa

"}, {"Insert", "a test 2 of // only on line 2 of bb


{"Common", "shortest

edit script

lines with several words"}}

// lines in aa and bb contain "shortest", "edit script", and "lines with several words"

See Also

“Identify Differences Between Strings, Lines, or Sequences” in the Scripting Guide

Show Addin Builder Dialog()


Opens a window in which you can make custom add-ins.

Show Addins Dialog()


Opens the Add-In Status window (View > Add-Ins).



Show Commands()


Lists scriptable objects and operators. Arguments are All, DisplayBoxes, Scriptables, Scriptable Objects, StatTerms, Translations.

Show Preferences(<"all">)


Shows current preferences. If no argument is specified, preferences that have been changed are shown. If "all" is given as the argument, all preferences are shown.

Show Properties(object)


Shows the messages that the given object can interpret, along with some basic syntax information.

Sobol Quasi Random Sequence(nDim, nRow)


Generates a sequence of space-filling quasi random numbers using the Sobol sequence in up to 4000 dimensions.

Socket(<STREAM | DGRAM>)


Creates a socket.


The socket that was created.



Optional argument to specify whether the socket is a stream or datagram socket. If no argument is supplied, a stream socket is created.

Speak(text, <wait(Boolean)>)


Calls system’s speech facilities to read aloud the text. If Wait is turned on, script execution pauses until speaking is done.

Status Msg("message")


Writes the quoted message string to the status bar.

Subtract(a, b)



Subtracts the values of the listed arguments, left to right. No arguments are changed.


The difference.


Two or more variables, numbers, or matrices.


Two or more arguments are permitted.

See Also

“List Operators and Functions” in the Scripting Guide

Unregister Addin("unique_id")


Unregisters (removes) a previously registered add-in.



A quoted string that contains the unique identifier for the add-in to unregister.

Web(string, <JMP Window>)


Opens the URL stored in the quoted string in the default web browser.

The http:// prefix in the URL is optional.


url = "www.jmp.com"; // open the URL in the default web browser
Web( url );
Web( "www.jmp.com" ); // open the URL in the default web browser
Web( "www.jmp.com", JMP Window ); // open the URL in the JMP browser window

XML Attr("attr name")


Extracts the quoted string value of an XML argument in the context of evaluating a Parse XML command.

XML Decode("xml")


Decodes symbols in XML to ordinary text. For example, &amp; becomes &, and &lt; becomes <.



A quoted string containing XML.

XML Encode("text")


Prepares text for embedding in XML. For example, & becomes &amp;, and < becomes &lt;.



A quoted string containing plain text.

XML Text()


Extracts the quoted string text of the body of an XML tag in the context of evaluating a Parse XML command.

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