发布日期: 09/18/2023

About CAS Actions

The smallest unit of work for the CAS server is a CAS action. CAS actions can load data, transform data, compute statistics, perform analytics, and create output.

You configure each action by specifying a set of input parameters. Running a CAS action on the CAS server processes the action’s parameters and the data, and creates an action result. See CAS Actions at https://developer.sas.com/apis/cas/actions.html.

The JSON parameters are specified in the CAS documentation CAS REST API. See https://developer.sas.com/apis/cas/rest/current/apidoc.html. For JSON, you can look at the Lua format and make the appropriate adjustments.

For example, in 图 14.6, notice the difference between the JSON syntax and the Lua syntax. JSON uses the "name" : value format. Lua uses the name = value syntax.

Figure 14.6 Differences Between JSON and LUA 

Differences Between JSON and LUA

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