JSL Syntax Reference > JSL Messages > Platform Messages
发布日期: 09/18/2023

Platform Messages


Evaluates expressions. Useful for quoted stringing together multiple platforms interrupted by user input.

obj<<Automatic Recalc

Redoes the analysis automatically for exclude and data changes. If automatic recalc is on, you should use Wait(0) commands to let the triggers take effect and do the recalculation.

Note: Not supported on all platforms.

obj<<Bring Window To Front

Brings the current window to the front.

obj<<Close Window

Closes window identified by obj, typically a platform surface.

obj<<Column Switcher(default column, {column1, column2, ...})

Adds a control panel to a platform for switching variables.

obj<<Copy ByGroup Script

Creates a script to produce this analysis containing By variables and place it on the clipboard.

obj<<Copy Script

Creates a script to produce this analysis and place it on the clipboard.

obj<<Data Table Window

Makes the associated data table window active (front-most).

obj<<Get Data Table

Returns a reference to the data table.

obj<<Get Script

Returns script to reproduce the analysis as an expression in the log.

obj<<Get Script With Data Table

Creates a script to reproduce the analysis, specifically referencing the source data table, and returns it as an expression in the log.

obj<<Get Timing

Times the launch of the platform and returns it in the log.

obj<<Get Web Support

Returns the score for the display tree that is about to be saved as interactive HTML. Possible values are -1 (unsupported), 0 (supported), and 1 (supported). If the score does not equal -1, interactive HTML is supported and the Save Interactive HTML message can be used.

obj<<Get Window Position

Gets the position of the window. Returns an ordered pair.

obj<<Get Window Size

Gets the window size, in pixels. Returns an ordered pair.

obj<<Ignore Platform Preferences(Boolean)

Ignores the current settings of the platform’s preferences. The message is ignored when sent to the platform after creation.

obj<<Journal Window

Appends the contents of the window to the journal.

obj<<Local Data Filter

Filters data to specific groups or ranges, but stays local to the platform.

obj<<Maximize Window

Maximizes the window. Equivalent to pushing the maximize button in the corner of the window. This message takes an optional Boolean argument:

// maximize the window:
obj<<Maximize Window(1)
// restore the window:
obj<<Maximize Window(0)

obj<<Minimize Window

Minimizes the window. Equivalent to pushing the minimize button in the corner of the window. This message takes an optional Boolean argument:

// minimize the window
obj<<Minimize Window( 1 )
// restore the window
obj<<Minimize Window( 0 )

obj<<Move Window(x, y)

Moves the window to the (x, y) location on your screen.

obj<<Print Window

Sends the selected window to the printer.

obj<<Redo Analysis

Reruns the analysis with the same options.

obj<<Redo ByGroup Analysis

Reruns the same analysis involving By groups.

obj<<Relaunch Analysis

Returns to the launch window for this analysis.

obj<<Relaunch ByGroup

Returns to the launch window for this analysis involving By groups.

obj<<Remove Column Switcher

Removes all Column Switchers that were added to the platform.

obj<<Remove Local Data Filter

Removes all Local Data Filters that were added to the platform.



Returns a display box reference for the report in the platform window. See Display Trees in the Scripting Guide.

obj<<Report View

Determines the level of detail visible in a platform report. Full shows all detail and Summary shows only select content, dependent upon the specific platform. For customized behavior, use the Set Summary Behavior message with display boxes.

obj<<Save ByGroup Script to Data Table(<name>, <Append Suffix(Boolean)>, <Prompt(Boolean)>, <Replace(Boolean)>)


Creates a table script to produce the analysis involving By variables and saves it as a table script in the data table.

Optional Arguments


The name of the script. name is quoted. If omitted, the platform names the script. For example, in Tabulate, the script is named “Tabulate”. In Bivariate, the script might be named “Bivariate of height by weight” to reflect the platform and column names.

Append Suffix(Boolean)

If true, appends a numerical suffix to the script name. This suffix differentiates the script from an existing script with the same name.


If true, prompts the user to specify a script name.


If true, replaces an existing script with the same name.

obj<<Save ByGroup Script to Journal

Creates a table script to produce the analysis involving By variables and adds a button to the journal containing this script.

obj<<Save ByGroup Script to Script Window

Creates a script to produce the analysis involving By variables and appends it to the current Script window.

obj<<Save Script for All Objects

Saves script to reproduce all analyses found within the object’s window in the Script Journal window.

obj<<Save Script for All Objects to Data Table

Saves a script for all report objects to the current data table. The script is named after the platform unless you specify the script name in quotes.

obj << Save Script for All Objects To Data Table("My Script")

obj<<Save Script to Data Table

Saves script to reproduce analysis as a property in the associated data table.

obj<<Save Script to Journal

Creates a script to produce the analysis and adds a button to the journal containing this script.

obj<<Save Script to Report

Saves script to reproduce analysis as a text box at the top of the report.

obj<<Save Script to Script Window

Saves a script to reproduce analysis in the Script Journal.

obj<<Scroll Window(x, y)

obj<<Scroll Window({x, y})

Scrolls the window x pixels to the right and y pixels down from the current position. Negative coordinates go left and up. If the coordinates are a list in braces { }, they are absolute coordinates. The window scrolls to the point x pixels from the left and y pixels from the top.


Used with the Dispatch function to customize the appearance of a report.


Sends messages to open platforms or turn on platform features to each level of a by-group.

obj<<Show Window(Boolean)

1 shows the window (brings it to the front). 0 hides the window. If the window is also minimized (on Windows) or docked (on macOS), showing the window restores it to the normal state and brings it to the front.

obj<<Size Window(x, y)

Resizes the window to x pixels wide by y pixels high.

obj<<Title(new title)

Sets the quoted title of the platform.

obj<<Top Report

Returns a reference to the top display box in the report. Useful for By groups or other cases when several platform reports are in one window.

obj<<View Web XML

Returns the XML used to create the interactive HTML report. The XML code appears in the log.

obj<<Zoom Window

Resizes the window to be large enough to show all of its contents.

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