发布日期: 09/18/2023

Specify Line Types in JMP Graphs

You can also control Line Style() by number (0–4) or name (Solid, Dotted, Dashed, DashDot, DashDotDot). 图 12.21 shows the numerical values for each line type.

linestyles = {"Solid", "Dotted", "Dashed", "DashDot", "DashDotDot"};
win = New Window( "Line Styles",
	Graph Box(
		Frame Size( 200, 200 ),
		X Scale( -1, 5 ),
		Y Scale( -1, 5 ),
		For( i = 0, i < 5, i++,
			Line Style( i );
			H Line( i );
			Text( {0, i + .1}, i );
			Text( {1, i + .1}, linestyles[i + 1] );

Figure 12.21 Line Styles 

Line Styles

To control the thickness of lines, set a Pen Size and specify the line width in pixels. The default is 1 for single-pixel lines. For printing, think of Pen Size as a multiplier for the default line width, which varies according to your printing device.

win = New Window( "Pen Size",
	Graph Box(
		Pen Size( 2 ); // double-width lines
		Line( [10 30 90], [88 22 44] );
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