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win = New Window( "New Window Example",
<<ReturnResult, // ensures that you get the same result as with Dialog
V List Box(
V List Box(
Text Box( "Radio Frequency Embolism Projection" ),
Line Up Box(
NCol( 2 ),
Text Box( "Lower Spec Limit" ),
lsl_box = Number Edit Box( 230 ),
Text Box( "Upper Spec Limit" ),
usl_box = Number Edit Box( 340 ),
Text Box( "Threshold" ),
threshold_box = Number Edit Box( 275 )
H List Box(
Panel Box( "Type of Radio",
rb_box1 = Radio Box( {"RCA", "Matsushita",
"Zenith", "Sony"} )),
Panel Box( "Type of Antenna" ,
rb_box2 = Radio Box( {"Dish", "Helical", "Polarizing",
"Radiant Array"} ) )
cb_box1 = Check Box( "Emission Synchronization" ),
Text Box( "Title for plot" ),
title_box = Text Edit Box( "My projection" ),
H List Box( Text Box( "Quality" ),
cb_box2 = Combo Box( {"Fealty", "Loyalty", "Piety", "Obsequiousness"} ) )
H List Box(
Spacer Box(),
Button Box( "OK",
Button Box( "Cancel" )
If(win["Button"] == 1,
Show( "OK", lsl, usl, threshold, radio_type, antenna, synch, title, quality);
Show( "Canceled" ); // if the user clicked Cancel, print "Canceled"