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Graphics scripts are set up inside the Graph Box() command within a New Window() command.
For example, Graph Box() accepts named arguments as shown in the following example, which creates a graph with a red background.
win = New Window( "Named arguments",
Graph Box(
Frame Size( 300, 300 ), // construct the graph box
X Scale( 0, 190 ), // set the x-axis range
Y Scale( 0, 190), // set the y-axis range
X Name( "height" ),
Y Name( "weight" ),
<<Background Color( "Red" ) // sets the background color
图 12.7 Creating a Graph
Alternatively, you can use the send << operator to send commands to the Graph Box instead of using the named arguments. This example also creates a graph with a red background.
win = New Window( "Messages",
Graph Box(
<<Frame Size( 300, 300 ),
<<XAxis( 0, 190 ),
<<YAxis( 0, 190 ),
<<Background Color( "Red" )