ABS( number )
ACOS( cosine )
ASIN( sin )
ATAN( tangent )
CEILING( number )
CEIL( number )
COS( radians )
COT( radians )
DEGREES( radians )
EXP( number )
Returns the constant e raised to the specified power.
FLOOR( number )
LN( number )
LOG( number )
LOG10( number )
Returns the remainder when dividend is divided by divisor. Floating-point values are truncated to integers before the modulus operation is performed.
RADIANS( degrees )
RANDOM( max )
Returns a random number. RANDOM() returns a number between 0 and 1. RANDOM( max ) returns a number between 0 and max. RANDOM( min, max ) returns a number between min and max. This function is equivalent to the Random Uniform() JSL function, and its seed can be controlled using the Random Reset() JSL function. RANDOM can be shortened to RAND.
RANDOMBLOB( length )
Rounds number to the number of decimal places given by precision. The default value of precision is 0, and precision can be negative.
SIGN( number )
SIN( radians )
SQRT( number )
Returns the square root of number.
TAN( radians )
Truncates number at the number of decimal places given by precision. The default value of precision is 0, and precision can be negative. TRUNCATE() can be shortened to TRUNC().