Spectral Preprocessing

Click on a button corresponding to a spectral preprocessing process. Refer to the table below for guidance. These processes require either tall (see Tall and Wide Data Sets) or stacked input data sets. See the individual process descriptions for more information.


Choose this process for...

2D Bin

Reducing the total number of rows (X values) for two-dimensional spectra by binning them and averaging the spectra within the bins

2D Detrend

Removing a baseline trend from each member of a group of two-dimensional spectra in order to make them statistically comparable

2D Peak Find

Finding and quantifying peaks in a group of two-dimensional spectra

2D Plot

Creating plots of two-dimensional spectra

3D Align

Aligning stacked three-dimensional spectral data on their x and y axes

3D Plot

Creating plots of three-dimensional spectra

See the The JMP Genomics Starter main page for other process categories.