Introduction to Studies
What is a Study?
A study is a construct that helps you organize and track the data sets and settings associated with a particular study or project. Specifically, a study consists of a Study Name associated with collections of zero or more data sets and zero or more settings, possibly located in various folders.
Using a study greatly simplifies browsing for an input data set or a setting to load. Dialogs initially display all data sets and settings associated with the selected study, even if they are saved to different folders. You are prompted for the correct type of data set to choose, whether it is a wide or tall data set (see Tall and Wide Data Sets), an Annotation Data Set, or an Experimental Design Data Set (EDDS). You can easily navigate to a data set not yet associated with the study and associate it for future data set selection. When you run a process with a study selected, the study is automatically updated with the output data sets created and the setting that is run. A metadata folder for each study provides a central location for tracking all the processes that have been run, in both the _processinfo.sas7bdat data set and the StudyLog.txt file.
Using Studies
Create a Study
You can create a new study either by:
• | using the ![]() |
• | running any of the Import processes with a New Study Name entered. |
Select a Study
Select the desired study by using either the Starter Current Study button or the button located at the top of the General tab of most process dialogs.
Tip: To use no study, select the blank entry.
Rename a Study
Use the Manage Genomics Studies process to rename a study.
View Study Metadata
Use the View Study Metadata process to view detailed metadata for any study. This metadata includes data sets, settings, and process logs.
Associate Default Data Sets and Variables with a Study
Use the Assign Default Data Sets process to specify the data sets that are loaded by default for a study.
Use the Assign Wide Variable Roles process to assign default roles to variables in a wide data set.
You can also use the Manage Genomics Studies process to associate data sets with a study. Data set associations for the study are also updated as processes are run with the study selected, as described in the Benefits of Using Studies section.
Combine Studies
Use the Manage Genomics Studies process to combine two or more studies.
Delete a Study
Use the Manage Genomics Studies process to delete all or part of a study.
See the The JMP Genomics Starter main page for other process categories.