JMP gives you the flexibility to specify which users see your customized toolbars and buttons. Your changes are saved in a text file with the .jmpcust extension called a customization set. By default, your customizations are shown only to the current user; other users who log on to the computer and open JMP do not see your personal toolbars and menus.
When you modify the Current user customization set, JMP creates a backup file of the set. The file is located in your Windows Users folder within the JMP, JMPPro, or JMPSW folder.
When you modify the All users customization set, JMP creates a backup file of the set. The file is located in the Windows All Users folder within the JMP, JMPPro, or JMPSW folder.
The All Users folder does not appear when you try to browse for it, so you must type the path into the Windows Explorer address field.
Select View > Customize > Menus and Toolbars.
Click Change.
Select the customization set in the Customization Set to Modify area. (By default, changes apply only to the Current user customization set.) Customization Set Options describes the options.
(Optional) To change the set on which the selected customization set is based, select the set in the Starting Set area. (Not available for the All users customization set.) Customization Set Options describes the options.
Click OK.
Only you see the changes. The customization file is called usercust.jmpcust. Modifying this file manually might cause unexpected results.
All users who open JMP on the computer see the changes. The customization file is called admincust.jmpcust.
Those who use the selected JMP Add-in, and select JMP Add-In customizations as the Starting Set, see the changes. When you modify the customization set for a disabled add-in, those changes do not appear until you enable the add-in.
Changes appear when the selected .jmpcust file is chosen as the customization set. You create this file in a text editor.
Changes appear when this new customization is selected. (After you make your changes, click Save to name the new file in the selected folder.)