Figure 2.64 shows the Expected Mean Squares report for the Investment sample data table. Run the Model - EMS script and then run the model.
Figure 2.64 Expected Mean Squares Report
where is the sum of the squares of the effects for Treatment divided by the number of levels of Treatment minus one.
Gives the F ratio for the test. It is the ratio of the numerator mean square to the denominator mean square. The denominator mean square can be obtained from the Test Denominator Synthesis report.
Gives the p-value for the effect test.
Caution: Standard errors for least squares means and denominators for contrast F tests use the synthesized denominator. In certain situations, such as tests involving crossed effects compared at common levels, these tests might not be appropriate. Custom tests are conducted using residual error, and leverage plots are constructed using the residual error, so these also might not be appropriate.

Help created on 7/12/2018