Figure 15.20 Power Analysis Outline for Three Designs
Figure 15.20 shows the Power Analysis outline for the three designs constructed in Designs of Different Run Sizes. Two two-way interactions have been added to the Model outline.
When you set a new value in the Anticipated Coefficient column, click Apply Changes to Anticipated Coefficients to update the Power values.
Figure 15.21 Power Plot for Three Designs
The Power Plot in Figure 15.21 is for the three designs constructed in Designs of Different Run Sizes. Two two-way interactions have been added to the Model outline.
Figure 15.22 Power versus Sample Size Profiler for Three Designs
The Power versus Sample Size profiler in Figure 15.22 is for the three designs constructed in Designs of Different Run Sizes. Two two-way interactions have been added to the Model outline. Notice that the power for X4 increases more dramatically with sample size than does the power for other factors.

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