Figure 3.10 Linked Columns in the Column Viewer
Figure 3.11 Identify Missing Values
for continuous data, the Min, Max, Mean, and Std Dev
Creates a linked Summary Statistics report for the selected columns. Right-click to select options such as sorting by column or creating a data table. Select Show Quartiles to include lower quartiles, upper quartiles, and interquartile ranges. And to create a linked data table from all columns in the report, select Data Table View from the Summary Statistics red triangle menu.
Shows a list of column properties in the Columns with Properties report. Select the properties that you want to find and then click OK to create a linked report from all columns. Or you can select columns first in the Select Columns list and then show the list of properties just for those columns.
Tip: Each time you click the Show Summary or Find Columns with Properties buttons, a new report is added to the window. To delete a report, select Remove from the report’s red triangle menu.
Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Consumer
Select Cols > Columns Viewer to open the Data Table Columns Viewer window.
Select Find Columns with Properties, select Formula, and click OK.
The Columns with Properties report appears. Several columns include the Formula property (Figure 3.12). Because the list is so long, you want to view all formula columns together.
Figure 3.12 Select the Formula Column Property
Right-click the report, select Sort by Column, Formula, and then click OK.
Figure 3.13 Sort by Column
Select the Employee Tenure, Position Tenure, and Salary Group columns and select Column Info.
Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Semiconductor
Select Cols > Columns Viewer to open the Data Table Columns Viewer window.
Type PNP and press Enter to select the PNP columns (Figure 3.14).
Figure 3.14 Filter Columns by Name
Click Show Summary to add the Summary Statistics report (Figure 3.15).
Figure 3.15 Summary Statistics for Selected Columns
Select Std Dev and Ascending, and then click OK.
Notice that PNP6 has no standard deviation, because the minimum, maximum, and mean values are 0.
Figure 3.16 Sorted Std Dev Column
In the Summary Statistics report, select the row for PNP6 and then display the data table.
View the data table and press Delete to remove the selected column.
To close the Columns Viewer, click the X button in the upper right corner (Windows) or upper left corner (Macintosh) of the window.

Help created on 7/12/2018