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Quality and Process Methods > Process Capability > Enter Specification Limits for a Process
Publication date: 09/20/2024

Enter Specification Limits for a Process

The lower specification limit (LSL), upper specification limit (USL), and target define the lower bound, upper bound, and target value for a quality process. There are several ways to enter specification limits to use in a process capability analysis:

Enter limits in the Spec Limits window after selecting columns in the launch window. See Spec Limits Window.

Import limits from a JMP data table (known as a Limits Table). See Limits Data Table.

Enter limits as Spec Limits column properties in the data table. See Spec Limits Column Property.

If you are creating a Process Capability report by running a JSL script, enter limits in the script. See The Process Capability Report.

Only one specification limit is required for a selected column. If only the USL is specified, the box plots and Goal Plot point are colored blue. If only the LSL is specified, the box plots and Goal Plot point are colored red.

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