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Using JMP > Create Formulas in JMP > Use Functions in Formulas
Publication date: 09/20/2024

Use Functions in Formulas

You can add many types of functions to a formula in JMP. All of these functions are organized in the Functions list. The browser groups collections of functions in lists organized by topic. The list contains functions that are commonly used in formulas. Use the Functions list to specify the type of calculation that you want to perform on the elements in a formula.

To create a formula that contains a function, follow these steps:

1. Open the Formula Editor by right-clicking a column name in the data table and selecting Formula.

2. Select an expression in the formula editing area by clicking it. (It is selected when there is a blue outline around it.) The function performs its action on the area that is highlighted.

3. In the Functions list, select a group of functions to view. See Table 7.2.

The functions that belong to that group are then displayed in the list below the menu. The function groups are briefly described in the following list.

4. Click any function in the Functions list to apply it to the selected item. When you click some items, you reveal a submenu from which you should make a selection.

5. Continue to build the formula by highlighting terms and clicking items in the formula element browser, keypad, or Functions list.


Hover over a function to learn more about the function.

Pressing Alt and selecting the function replaces the selected function in a formula with the function that you select from the Functions list or the button that you select from the keypad.

Pressing Alt (Option on Apple macOS) and clicking a column or other element replaces the item even if it is non-empty.

Most functions give hints about appropriate arguments through gray words inserted in the boxes in the formula editing area. Functions also show a small caret in the argument area if additional arguments can be added.

To find out what a function does, right-click the function in the Functions list or in the formula and select Show in Scripting Index.

Define your own functions by writing a JSL script. See “Create Custom Functions, Transforms, and Formats” in the Scripting Guide.

Table 7.2 Groups of Functions


Functions Included


Displays a list of functions that contains miscellaneous functions such as Lag, Dif, Subscript, Row, and NRow. See “Row Functions”.


Displays a list of functions that are terms commonly used in formulas. See “Numeric Functions”.


Displays a list of functions that are functions such as natural log, common log, exponential, root, factorial, combinatorial, beta, and gamma. See “Transcendental Functions”.


Displays a list of functions that are the standard trigonometric functions: sine, cosine, tangent, inverse functions, and hyperbolic functions. See “Trigonometric Functions”.


Displays a list of functions that operate on character arguments such as trimming, finding the length of a string, converting between numbers and characters. See “Character Functions”.


Displays a list of functions that are the standard logical comparisons such as less than, less than or equal to, not equal to, and so on. See “Comparison Functions”.


Displays a list of functions that are programming-like functions, such as If, Match, and Choose. See “Conditional Functions”.


Displays a list of functions that compute probabilities and quantiles for standard statistical distributions, such as normal, Student’s t, Chi-squared, and F-distributions. See “Probability Functions”.

Discrete Probability

Displays a list of functions that compute discrete probabilities, such as Poisson, Gamma Poisson, and Hyper geometric. See “Discrete Probability Functions”.


Displays a list of functions that calculate standard statistical quantities such as the mean or standard deviation. See “Statistical Functions”.


Displays a list of functions that generate random numbers based on predefined distributions such as the uniform, normal, Cauchy, and so on. There is also a function to randomize the order of table rows. See “Random Functions”.

Date Time

Displays a list of functions that require arguments with the date data type, which is interpreted as the number of seconds since January 1, 1904. Date Time functions return values such as day, week, or month of the year. They can also compute dates and can find data intervals. See “Date Time Functions”.

Row State

Displays a list of functions that assign or detect row state status of color, marker, label, hidden, excluded, or selected. See “Row State Functions”.


Displays a list of functions that place the value on the right side of the assignment operator into the variable on the left side of the operator. See “Assignment Functions”.

Parametric Model

Lets you construct a Linear, Interactions, or Full Quadratic model for columns that you choose. After choosing the type of model, a window appears that lets you select the variables from which to construct the model. Press Ctrl and click to select more than one. See “Parametric Model Functions”.


Lets you create formulas to calculate principal payments, interest rate, rate of return, and so on. See “Finance Functions”.

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