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Include the Run Model message in your script.
Include both the Run message and the Keep Dialog Open(1) message.
When a data table contains a Model script and you launch Fit Model interactively, the Fit Model launch window is pre-populated according to the roles assigned by the table script.
If you want to fit different models and see a shared Profiler so that you can compare the models, use the Fit Group function. You can fit models such as least squares, nonlinear, neural, Gaussian processing, and mixed, in the same window with a shared Profiler. The following example creates both a Standard Least Squares model and a Gaussian Process model.
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Tiretread.jmp" );
obj = dt << Fit Group(
Fit Model(
Personality( "Standard Least Squares" ),
Gaussian Process(
In the report, click the Fit Group red triangle and select Profiler. Scroll down to the Prediction Profiler. You can see the ABRASION row for the SLS model, and the HARDNESS row for the Gaussian Process model appearing in the same profiler.
An effect can be a column name, a crossing of several column names with asterisk (*) notation, or nested columns specified with subscript bracket ([ ]) notation. Additional effect options can appear after an ampersand (&) character. Here are some examples:
where each row of the matrix specifies coefficients for all the arguments in the model.
n+1 for the “Whole Model” test, where n is the number of effects not including the intercept
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Dogs.jmp" );
manObj = dt << Fit Model(
Personality( "MANOVA" ),
manObj << Response Function( "Contrast" );
manObj << (Response["Contrast"] << (Effect["Whole Model"] <<
Test Details( 1 )));
manObj << (Response[1] << (Effect[3] << Test Details( 1 )));
提示:Recall that the << operator is equivalent to the Send() function.
fitObj << ( responseName << {options, ...});
The second Send() function finds the named response and sends the list of messages to it.
注意:If you send the messages directly to the fitObj with a single Send() function, the messages are sent to all responses.
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Tiretread.jmp" );
fitObj = dt << Fit Model(
Personality( "Standard Least Squares" ),
fitObj << (:ABRASION << {AICc( 1 )}); // shows up under the Box-Cox Transformations plot
If you include the Run( "Fit Separately" ) option, the model fits each Y using all rows that are nonmissing for that particular Y. For example, a row that includes one or more missing Y values is included in the model.
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
dt << Fit Model(
Personality( "Standard Least Squares" ),
Emphasis( "Minimal Report" ),
Run // or Run( "Fit Together" )
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
dt << Fit Model(
Personality( "Standard Least Squares" ),
Emphasis( "Minimal Report" ),
Run( "Fit Separately" )