Col List Box(<Data Table(name)>, <"All"|"Character"|"Numeric">, <width(pixels)>, <"Grouped">, <MaxSelected(n)>, <nLines(n)>, <MaxItems(n)>, <MinItems(n)>, <On Change(expr)>, < <<Modeling Type("Any"|"Continuous"|"Ordinal"|"Nominal"|Multiple Response"|"Unstructured Text"|"Vector"|"None"|"Row State") >, < <<Set Data Type(Any|Numeric|Character)>, <script>)
Contour Function(zExpr, xName, yName, (z|zMatrix), < <<xGrid(min, max, incr)>, < <<yGrid(min, max, incr)>, < <<zColor(color, option)>, < <<zLabeled>, < <<"Filled">, < <<"FillBetween">, < <<"Ternary">, < <<Transparency(number|matrix))
Gradient Function(zExpr, xName, yName, [zLow, zHigh], zColor([colorLow, colorHigh]), < <<xGrid(min, max, incr)>, < <<yGrid(min, max, incr)> < <<Transparency(alpha|vector))
New Column("name", <"data type">, <"modeling type">, <Width(n)>, Format("format", width, precision), <Formula()>, <Set Values>, <Like(column reference)>, <actions>)
Summarize(<dt>, <by>, <count>, <sum>, <mean>, <min>, <max>, <stddev>, <corr>, <quantile>, <first>)
Column Dialog(<var = ColList("label", <Min Col(n)>, <Max Col(n)>, <Width(n)>, <Data Type("Numeric"|"Character"|"Any")>, <Modeling Type({"Continuous", "Nominal", "Ordinal", "None", "Multiple Response", "Unstructured Text", "Vector"})> )>, <var = Combo Box("text")>, <var = RadioButtons("label")>, <HList(display box)>, <VList(display box )>, <LineUp(n, display box)>, <Text Box("label")>, <var = EditText(string)>, <var = EditNumber(n)>, <var = Check Box("label", boolean), <Window Title("title")>, <Window Icon("icon string"|"path")>, <Dialog Description(string)>, <Help Script(script)>)
Distrib Fit Parms, Distrib Fit, Compare Dist, Distrib Fit Discrete, Distrib Fixed Parms, Distrib Unscaled Quantiles, Distrib Adequacy Test, Distrib Fit Quantile Plot, Distrib Fit GOF Test, Distrib Fit Spec Limits, Enter KSigma
Overlay Coefficients for Centered and Scaled Data, Overlay Original Coefficients, Overlay X Loadings, Overlay Y Loadings,Overlay Loadings Plots,Scatter Loadings Plot,X Loading Plot, Y Loading Plot,Correlation Loading Plot,Correlation Loadings Plot,X Scores Plot, Distance Plots,T Square Plots,Diagnostics Plots,Percent Variation Explained for X Effects, Percent Variation Explained for Y Responses, Percent Variation for X Effects Bar Plot,Scatter Scores Plots,Overlay Coefficients Plots,VIP vs Coefficients Plots,Set VIP Threshold,X-Y Scores Plots options,Profiler Plots,Spectral Profiler Plots,PLS Model Fit Options
SEM Model Implied Covariances, SEM Model Implied Correlations, SEM Model Implied Means, SEM Model Normalized Residuals, SEM Model Unstandardized Residuals, SEM Normalized Residuals Heat Map, SEM Unstandardized Parameter Estimates, SEM RSquare for Endogenous Variables, SEM Fit Indices, SEM Fit Options, SEM RAM Matrices, SEM Indirect Effects, SEM Total Effects, SEM Correlation of Estimates Heat Map, SEM Covariance of Estimates Heat Map, SEM Model Implied Correlations Heat Map, SEM Model Implied Covariances Heat Map